Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's not about being anti-abortion so much as fetal rights...

On the abortion debate, Rafe Mair says:

I view the matter as unsuitable for emotion-charged screaming matches, but one to be addressed by prevention.

There are quite a few people like this in the world. They aren't really that pro-life, but not very pro-choice. They value human life to some degree, but don't think an unborn child qualifies for equal rights.

Here's the thing that many people don't get about this: it's about fetal equality. That is what pro-lifers are arguing in favour, and what pro-aborts are contesting. Pro-aborts argue that unborn children should not get equal rights in the name of female autonomy. Pro-lifers uphold the equality of the unborn child.

I think it's time we acknowledge that pro-lifers have done a horrible job of publicizing the fact our struggle is about THE UNBORN CHILD AND HIS RIGHT TO EQUALITY. Perhaps it's because so many people who otherwise oppose abortion-- but do not favour unborn equality-- side with the pro-life movement and are categorized as "anti-choice".

So long as the debate is about abortion, we lose focus. The debate is really about the unborn child. The more we focus on this and bring this to the public's attention, the more we will persuade people to oppose abortion on the grounds that it unjustly takes away another innocent person's right to life.