Monday, August 07, 2006

Naaman the Ex-Leper says it for me

In a recent post, Naaman the Ex-Leper features a new blog, Children Living featuring a variety of pro-lifers, including one gay pro-lifer.

Responding to one of their posts, he writes:

I was raised as a bleeding-heart liberal. Although I've rejected most of the liberal beliefs that my parents tried to give me, I have kept a few. One of those liberal beliefs is a desire to help the helpless, to speak out for those people who cannot speak out for themselves. Becoming a Christian only amplified that desire.

Of all humanity, the most helpless of all are the unborn. An unborn child has no legal rights. An unborn child can be legally killed for any reason, or even for no reason at all. Many people try to deny that the unborn child is even a human being.

He also writes:

But let's go back to the "personhood" nonsense for a moment. Between 1861 and 1865, the American Civil War finally settled the issue of slavery here in the United States. Over 600,000 soldiers gave their lives on both sides of that confilct. In the end, it was determined that a person's race could not be used as justification for imprisoning them, exploiting her labor, and depriving her of basic human rights. The unborn child is used in laboratory experiments, killed for her precious stem cells, and exterminated whenever her existence is inconvenient. What price will we have to pay in order to end discrimination against the unborn?

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