Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bishop: play the recorded message or else

Why, or why, or why can't we have priests and bishops like this in Canada?

It is reported the Bishop Robert C. Morlino is requiring the priests of his diocese of Madison, Wisconsin to play a 14-minute recorded message at Mass on the weekend of November 4th-5th. During the recording, the good bishop outlines Catholic teaching on marraige, embryonic stem cell research and the death penalty in the wake of ballot items on election day the following Monday.

And, in a secret memo, he says that if priests do not follow his instructions, they will suffer "grave consequences".

The memo got out in the public when it was leaked by a disgruntled priest to a local paper. I hope he gets his knuckles rapped.

Lifesite says:

With all the controversy surrounding the upcoming broadcast of his remarks, the pews will likely be filled this weekend in Catholic Churches in Madison.

Providence is sweet.

I'm surprised Lifesite didn't include an email address to congratulate the Bishop. The bishops need to know faithful Catholics back him. The email address is Catholics, please spread this on your blogs.