Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pray for the soul of Saddam Hussein

This is not going to be a popular request. But in the light of Saddam Hussein's death sentence, I think it's fitting that we should pray for his soul so the may come to repentance.

I know what many might say to this: He's a moral scumbag. He deserves to burn in eternal hellfire for the crimes he committed.

That may be so, but in the end, none of us deserve or merit salvation. We're on the same level as Saddam Hussein, on that issue.

But God has taken mercy on us. He has shed his grace on us. And while it's true that we co-operate, the gift and the inspiration is from God.

Jesus also preached to pray for one's enemies. Love, don't hate those who oppose you.

Saddam Hussein is about to meet his eternal fate. If not for his sake, then pray because Christ commanded us to pray for others, and HE deserves this. When he saves big sinners, that makes his mission worth it.