Friday, December 08, 2006

Rallies for Traditional Definition of Marriage

I received this information through email:

The first three of our regional rallies are taking place this weekend! We need as many people as possible to attend and keep attention on the legislature's failure to vote.

Please continue to distribute the attached flyer/bulletin insert to promote these events in your church and beyond. We also ask that you try to bring a friend to our rally, to help educate others as to what is occurring in our state government.

Saturday, December 9th
10:30 am
New Bedford City Hall
Contact Bea Martins at 508-415-2599

Saturday, December 9th
1:30 p.m.
Barnstable County Court House
Contact Bea Martins at 508-415-2599

Sunday, December 10th
1:30 p.m.
Springfield City Hall
Contact Keith Davis at 413-533-4258

Saturday, December 16th
1:30 p.m.
Worcester City Hall
Contact Shari Worthington at 508-755-5242