Wednesday, December 20, 2006

They still trot out the "blob of tissue" argument

This is the essence of her position: Abortion is a woman’s decision to make, and after all, the thing being aborted is merely a blob of tissue, unrecognizable as human. That is precisely what she told me.

Here was my question to her: How can an intelligent, educated woman in 2006 honestly believe that? The science refuting her statement is indisputable.

Ponder this: Very early in gestation, before most women even discover that they are pregnant, that so-called blob of tissue, though small, has its own heartbeat, its own measurable brainwaves, its own DNA, and its own blood separate and distinct from its mother’s.

In fact, what abortion defenders refer to as a shapeless “blob of tissue” is in reality so clearly human that the truth must be carefully withheld from potential abortion customers or abortion providers would go out of business overnight. The reality of fetal development is so shocking that when a woman or young girl gets an honest glimpse of that which is forming in her womb, she shrinks back in horror at the thought of killing what she suddenly see as “her baby.”


Yes, it is interesting that women routinely refer to the one in their womb as a fetus, if they are considering destroying it, but call it a baby right from the beginning, if they want it or plan to keep it. In the final analysis, that is what really determines whether it is a baby or a blob of tissue, whether it is wanted by its mother.

Don’t think the “other side” is not aware of this distinction. Feminists and the Planned Parenthood types place a high value on ignorance and strongly oppose any effort to educate women or young girls regarding fetal development. They know their vulnerabilities. Their “blob of tissue” argument is utterly destroyed by what a woman sees on that ultra-sound monitor.


That brings me back to the central question regarding abortion. Can the discussion really be about choice, if the object of that choice is a real, living human baby?


I know of no other issue that so clearly illustrates the decline of western civilization than our wholesale, irrational, even fanatical embracing of abortion. The numbers, now exceeding 45 million babies, are staggering. But, why do we do it? Why do we pretend that what our own science tells us is not true? Why do we avoid dealing with the facts? The answers are several and rather indicting.

Outlawing abortion would reattach meaning to sex. Outlawing abortion would make marriage no longer an obsolete concept. Outlawing abortion would dispel the myth that sex is not the most value-laden act in which two people can engage, an act with powerful consequences intentionally attached to it. Outlawing abortion would all but end the sexual revolution, which is so close to the heart of liberalism today. Sexual activity would have to be viewed as serious behavior with possibly eternal consequences, not something we humans do just for fun.


H/T dispel the illusion.