Received by email, a letter to the editor of the Christian Standard. It raises an interesting question:
To the Editor.
There is a plaque that is running throughout Canada today its called Christian Phobia "a fear of Christ and Christians". Its running wild in our towns and cities today. Even now in the rural areas of Ontario, where the real Christian wildcats live.
It seems that there is concern amongst some atheists in Ottawa that if we pray in municipal meetings before they start we are doing so illegally. Government sectors in many of our towns are looking for an answer to this question, is it legal to pray in any Government institutions in Canada?
Well I like to say as a Christian, by doing so we are obeying the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms. For the act states that:
"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God "
Canadian fire breathing Christians up here in "Rural" Ontario, (Grey bruce) would like to know, which God is it that we are recognizing here in Canada anyway?
We concerned christians would like some answers from our politicians, MPs, MPPs, and of course our wonderful PM The Honorable Mr. Harper.
The first question is, is the God of choice in Canada, the one Canada recognizes as supreme and the one implied in the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms, the GOD of Israel, or as the Christians call Him, The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit??
For if somehow over the years there was some change in this "OUR" Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms, then we should have been informed and must be informed and updated to this situation.
If "the supremacy of God " which is in the charter, is the true God of Israel and the only God recognized as the supreme God in Canada, then we are all obeying the law according to the Charter because simply put, God of Israel requires prayer.
If your a Christian now would be a good time to open your mouth and have your say. Get hold of your MP. and MPP let them know that you would like some answers.
Get hold of Mr. Harper and ask him to look into this for you.
Get a hold of a photo copier and pass this along. Write letters to your local papers and don't forget to pray while you still can.
Exhorter Harding
The Canadian Christian Militia