Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Groundbreaking program saves babies when moms reconsider mid-abortion

This is exciting.

But I predict it will result in more acts of feticide (i.e. injection of potassium chloride to the heart) so that the abortionist doesn't lose his money.

Look at the baby whom feminists think didn't have the right to life as a fetus at 20 weeks gestation.

But remember, they're only figments of your imagination! :)

France: baby abdandoned in hospital elevator

The French media that a newborn infant was abandoned in a the hospital in Hazebrouck. The little boy was no more than a few hours old. A note was left on him said: "Please take good care of him." He was transferred toa pediatrics ward at a hospital in Armentières. Social Services have taken charge of him. His future will depend on whether or not the mother can be found.

Police are searching for a young woman who was believed to be at the scene a few minutes before the baby was discovered. She could face charges of child abandonment.

Hospital staff are in shock, especially the female staff. They believe that the mother must be suffering a great distress.

How can anyone look at that baby and say: he should have been aborted?

What is the contraceptive mentality?

[I feel I should apologize for this long post, but I really wanted to get all of this out. It’s difficult to explain the contraceptive mentality in a short post. Whole libraries could be written about it because it’s so pervasive in our culture.]

A mentality is something that defies definition. It’s more of a psychological syndrome: an expression of attitude and ideas that are related to certain values.

And I think the easiest way to explain the contraceptive mentality is to define it in opposition to the Culture of Life philosophy.

People who hold a contraceptive mentality have trouble seeing it the way that a fish has trouble “seeing” water. It’s so part of the environment that it’s practically invisible.

So, in order to really understand the contraceptive mentality, you have to see it through the lens of the Culture of Life Philosophy.

And for the sake of brevity, I will explain what I consider to be three of the most important beliefs of the Culture of Life, and then explain how the negation of these beliefs expresses itself in the context of our culture.

And then you will have a good idea of what the contraceptive mentality is.

Three Central Beliefs of the Culture of Life Philosophy

1. God is the ultimate decision-maker in the process of the creation of life. Every single human life is the product of God’s active will (although the circumstances leading to the creation are not necessarily; sinful acts are never the product of God’s active will.) Human beings should always respect God’s will in this matter.

2. Every human life is intrinsically valuable and the most valuable thing in Creation. There is nothing more important on earth than a human life. It must never be intentionally destroyed for any reason.

3. Human beings should work with fertility, not against it. Fertility regulation is not a problem, so long as the means do not seek to suppress it or its effects. Fertility is something healthy. It is not something that “gets in the way” of positive sexual activity.

The contraceptive mentality can be summed up as the negation of these three ideas.

So let’s examine how negation of each principle plays out in real life.

1. God often has no part in people’s reproductive acts or decisions. People decide on the number of children based exclusively on worldly concerns, such as personal salary, desire for consumer goods, travel, career advancement, personal interest, quality of relationship, etc. A number of people also hate for the idea of being tied down to children. And if by chance, pregnancy does occur, it is not seen as a blessing. It’s a liability. It’s something to be rid of. God’s gift of life is rejected instead of embraced.

2. Since God is excluded from one’s worldview, the notion that human life is intrinsically valuable is also excluded, because the source of this intrinsic value is God. As human life is not intrinsically valuable, but only valuable according to arbitrary ideas of humanity, then human life can be destroyed if it is deemed inconvenient and undesirable. So abortion is permissible.

3. As God is excluded from one’s worldview, and thus life is not sanctified, there does not appear any reason to oppose contraception. A new life created by an unforeseen pregnancy is not typically seen as a blessing these days. It’s typically seen as tragedy, something bad that must be done away with. Fertility is no longer seen as a positive thing, something good that must always be allowed to function according to its own rhythms. Fertility is the enemy. Contraception is the solution.

Contraception is the symbol of the mentality, although it’s about much more than contraception. Contraception is the symbol that sexual pleasure has become more important than God, human life and working according to the designs of our bodies.

People who have a contraceptive mentality like to create caricatures of those who support a culture of life and they make us out to be anti-sexual pleasure.

The thing is, people who support the Culture of Life are not opposed to sexual pleasure.

They are opposed to sexual pleasure being functionally more important than:

1) God
2) Human Life
3) Respecting the body’s integrity, i.e. Fertility.

As long as those three things are respected, sexual pleasure is okay in the context of marriage (and actually marriage is necessary for those three things).

What do I mean when I say that sexual pleasure becomes functionally more important than those three things?

I mean to say that some people will say that these one or more of these things are more important.

But their actions reveal something quite different.

1. For instance, there are Christians who will say that God has an important role in their reproductive lives, but they will do everything to make sure that their fertility is under their control and not God’s by using contraception. They are not open to God’s Providence.

2. Or, there are those who say " of course a fetus is more important than sexual pleasure." But when they get pregnant, they panic and have an abortion. (“The only moral abortion is my abortion”). They know that sex leads to the creation of life, but they live in denial of the possibility of pregnancy, thinking that contraception is the solution that will stop them from ever having an abortion.

3. Another example: the medical establishment operates on the premise the reproductive health is a function of desire, not a function of the way the body is supposed to work. So they define “bodily integrity” as “whatever the woman wants” not “whatever is supposed to happen”. So aborting an early pregnancy with an EC pill (which they don’t call an abortion) is totally “natural” and respectful of bodily integrity, but an “unmet need” for abortion represents inadequate “reproductive health services”.

Medicine sees the natural working of the human body as health, except the natural working of fertility. More broadly, women see their own bodies as the enemy, not as something beautiful to work with.

The Contraception Illusion

The desire to divorce sex from procreation is so strong in our society that people fail to see what I call the contraception illusion, which is another aspect of the contraceptive mentality.

The contraception illusion is the belief that if an individual consistently uses contraception, he or she will never face an unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, contraception is the best guarantee to prevent unwanted pregnancy and therefore abortion.

I want to say that promoters of contraception tend to understand that this is not true. That’s why they also tend to be strong supporters of legal and accessible abortion.

But contraception illusion is pervasive among “average” people. Especially the young.

Contraception creates the illusion that pregnancy is impossible. The failure rate of contraception is so seemingly small,that pregnancy seems virtually impossible.

The problem is

1) people don’t always use contraception consistently, so that failure rates are higher than perfect use (and probably even "typical use") and

2) even if failure rates were as low as perfect use rates, a low failure rate still means that tens or hundreds of thousands of people get pregnant; and

3) the failure rates are for use for one year. With every year, the risk of pregnancy increases.

People are typically introduced to contraception in their teens or in early adulthood. Sometimes their introduction is informal, through word of mouth. When you’re fourteen or fifteen years old, you don’t think of failure rates and such lofty statistics. Someone just tells you “here, use condoms so you don’t get pregnant” or “you’d better get some birth control so that you don’t get pregnant”.

Even if you get some kind of discussion regarding failure rate, if you, as a teen think that you’re chances of getting pregnant are less than 10%, you think that your chances of remaining pregnancy-free are really good. As it is, teens are naturally prone to magical thinking; statistics like that make them more prone.

And so millions of people use contraception thinking pregnancy won’t happen to them because no one tells them “there’s still a decent chance you might get pregnant over the course of the next five years.”

But then something shocking happens: people do get pregnant on contraception.

And then they are faced with an unexpected pregnancy.

This was not supposed to happen.

That was the promise of contraception. Margaret Sanger promoted birth control for that reason:

In 1922 she wrote;

It is apparent that nothing short of contraceptives can put an end to the horrors of abortion and infanticide.

If you have had any experience with the abortion debate, the single most common solution to “abortion” is said to be contraception. Contraception is widely treated like it never fails.

And what happens when contraception fails? Do people mend their ways and stop having sex when they cannot handle a pregnancy?


They just use more contraception. Or better contraception.

Expecting, once again, that pregnancy shall never happen.

And it happens anyway.

And, as our society acts like contraception can’t fail, they depict sex as something that any individual can engage in without serious consequences. Which of course is not true, but no one suggests otherwise.

Because to suggest otherwise would undermine the contraceptive mentality, the divorce of sex from procreation.

And that would mean taking responsibility. Taking responsibility is far more difficult than having sex.

Feminism perpetuates the contraceptive mentality

The allure of sexual pleasure itself is enough to stop people from really thinking about the consequences of widespread contraceptive sexual behaviour.

But feminism makes the opposition even stronger.

Feminists become feminists because they have or want to have a strong sense of self. And they want that self respected.

They believe that in order for that sense of self to be truly respected, a woman’s autonomy must be respected, above all other considerations.

If a woman must subject her autonomy to any extrinsic force or desire, this is considered degrading to her.

Now, for people with common sense, shaping your will according to reality is not degrading. It’s just natural. Autonomy must not be exercised absolutely, but in relation to what is right and wrong, and the rights and needs of others.

But feminists consider think that that is self-serving patriarchy. They think men get to do whatever they want, without consequence. So that if men sleep around, they never get “punished” for it with pregnancy or parenting. If men are foul-mouthed and assertive, nothing happens to them, but women like that are treated like bitches, and so forth.

So to make a woman’s “bodily autonomy” subject to God, a fetus’welfare or some one else’s wish is considered degrading to her.

She lives under the illusion that the only way she can be valued for her true worth is to be able to decide everything about her body regardless of the consequencesto anyone else. So if the husband is upset about the abortion, tough luck. If the fetus has to die because she doesn’t want to be a mother, tough luck. She thinks that if she can’t do whatever she wants, that she respects her own fertility, she is not in control, not a true person, because she thinks men live that way, therefore women should live that way too.

And so contraception is central to the feminist mentality. The feminist believes that without contraception, female emancipation is impossible. Because without contraception, women will never have control over their bodies. They will be valued as "incubator" not for who they really are, and she will never be "fully human."
But the proponents for the culture of life believe that a person’s will is not the measure of their dignity. A person’s dignity is intrinsic, and it’s only by respecting God’s order of creation can a woman’s dignity really shine forth.

In the feminist mentality, the road to self-respect and a sense of self-worth is paved with battles. Because feminists believe that self-worth is being able to exercise one’s will, and when you have contradicting wills, you will always conflict. Whereas in the mentality of the culture of life, it’s not a battle. It already exists. It’s a matter of oneself living up to that dignity and worth. The struggle, if there is one, is within oneself to live up to the order of Creation, the way in which God meant for everyone to function, because God’s created the world and said “it was good”.


So there you have it folks. A general introduction to the contraceptive mentality.

MP: Bring on the abortion debate

Stephen Woodworth, MP for Kitchener Centre:

I support efforts to encourage a calm and respectful discussion about abortion law reform in Canada, as Canadians have passionately differing views over whether our existing abortion law, which declares that a child is not a human being until fully born, should be reformed.

Many Canadians have decided that this question is too unpleasant to think about, much less talk about. This is because people on both sides have made it unpleasant with heated rhetoric. Until we convince Canadians that it's not a burden to deal with this issue, people will continue to recoil from what is really a healthy discussion. There is plenty of medical and scientific evidence that can help us to answer the question whether or not our law is correct to say that a child is not a human being before birth, and therefore not deserving of human rights. There are modern principles of human rights which can be brought to bear. Difficult truths can always be tempered with sensitivity.

The alternative is to perpetuate a chill on national dialogue that will serve to perpetuate the status quo. Whose goal is that?

While it's true that heated rhetoric can make the abortion debate unpleasant, I think the nature of the debate is such that people will feel a personal stake in it and emotions will run raw.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't be grown up about it and try to have a respectful discussion.


OTTAWA. On October 27, Carleton Administration threatened pro-life students with charges of non-academic misconduct when they stood with hand-held signs of aborted fetuses on their campus. See video here: http://www.carletonlifeline.wordpress.com

The University subsequently sent the students’ club, Carleton Lifeline, correspondence threatening them with arrest and disciplinary action. They said these could be consequences if the students did not comply with a strict set of rules which only applied to them; these provisions surround a designated zone created for Lifeline where few students travel in the winter, where they are not able to offer pamphlets or initiate conversations with students, and not being permitted to move if protestors block the signs.

Read more

Monday, November 29, 2010

VIDEO: Two-year-old at the Papal Vigil for Nascent Life


Carleton Lifeline Lawyer Replies

Carleton University is seeking an "arrangement" with Carleton Lifeline. Lawyer Albertos Polizogoplis responds by saying the university is using a double standard with respect to the pro-life students.

CUSA tried to stop Ruth Lobo's lawyer from attending a CUSA meeting. That attempt is shot down.

The idea that CUSA meetings are not open to non-members sounds bogus to me. I went to one of those meetings in 2006 and I wasn't the only non-member there.

Bishop of Longueuil is Cardinal Ouellet's Right Hand Man in Canada

Some time ago I blogged about Lionel Gendron, the new bishop of Longueuil, and the first Quebec bishop chosen by Cardinal Ouellet.

At the time, I was cautiously optimistic about this choice. He appears to be of the same pedigree as Cardinal Ouellet.

La Presse reports that Bishop Gendron will actively participate in nominating the bishops to fill the several vacancies that will be created in the coming years as a number of Quebec bishops will be forced to resign due to age.

I'm anxious to see if these nominees live up to the hype.

Fr. Raymond Gravel is worried, if that's any indication. :D

VIDEO: Wikileaks reveals Benedict XVI's election was a surprise for U.S.


Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them."

--Pope St. Felix III

Sunday, November 28, 2010

An adoption conundrum

Maria Stops Abortion says that the teens she has talked to will not consider placing their babies up for adoption if there is a chance that a gay couple might adopt them.

After all, the lobby groups that support gay adoption talk about it being a ‘right’ to adopt a child, but what right is left to the biological mother? Does she not have the right firstly to freedom of speech where she can say that she does not want her child to go to a homosexual couple? And secondly, does she not have the right to decide that her child who is her flesh and blood ought not to go to a homosexual couple? This talk and bluster about so-called ‘rights’ is very selective –so much so that the rights of ‘the mother of origin’ aka the biological mother are often forgotten altogether.

Selective indeed.

Note how feminists would allow women the freedom to pursue sex-selection abortions in the third trimester. They disagree with it, but they would still allow it.

They wouldn't allow this, though.

In the feminist mindset, abortion always trumps any other consideration.

Another installment of "what's wrong with the Church"

One woman claims that the ideas of aless-than-pro-life priest has indirectly led to her child's death.

Finally I learned the truth of what happened. It began when Father Prieur decided that children like my daughter are not worthy to even be born let alone to receive any care to prolong their lives. Father Prieur, and all of the priests that followed in his ideas, effectively set a standard in Ontario (and likely beyond) that certain children were not worthy of life. The doctors, hospital and medical system at large was merely responding to that standard set by the stalwarts of the sanctity of life.

You know, what irritates me is that if Catholic teaching had actually been followed, this baby would have lived.

I'm extremely annoyed, that, if nothing else, the words of some priests earned us this reputation, (never mind the actual death of the baby!)

VIDEO: Scenes from the Vigil for Nascent Human Life

Held at Notre Dame Cathedral in Ottawa on Saturday, November 27th, 2010.

Top Ten Quotes from St. Teresa of Avila

Here's a favourite. Said of God:

"If this is the way you treat your friends, it's no wonder you have so few!”

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Development and Peace worried about religious shift to the right

Time now for another installment of "what's wrong with the Church in Quebec".

An article in the dissenting Catholic publication Sentiers de foi mentions that Development and Peace is worried about shift to the right in the Church.(See page 6 for the article).

My translation:

The members of Development and Peace of the diocese of Montreal, committed to the issues of social justice and international co-operation, held on October 23rd a day of reflection on their movement, their options, the present-day ecclesial and social context and the challenges they present. For some time, a number of actions and stances of the Harper government have concerned not only members of Development and Peace, but also a large number of people working in the field of international cooperation. The Conservative government's decisions to cut funding for Kairos and Alternatives, as well as changes in orientation within the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), signal that social justice and human rights issues are no longer a priority. Add to all that the virulent attacks to which Development and Peace has been subjected by a certain ecclésial current close to the Conservatives-- a minority, but one which has been able to make itself heard.

The interesting thing is that this article was written by Jonathan Blais, a member of the Diocesan council of Development and Peace in Montreal. Who also happens to be involved with the Réseau Culture et Foi, a network of dissenters. You might be familiar with some of the names on the website.

The website says that they support the words of another groupe, Justice et Foi, in response to Cardinal Ouellet's denunciation of abortion.

So they oppose fetal rights.

It's no wonder then that in the article about Development and Peace you won't see a single word about abortion.

It doesn't sound like Development and Peace really gets the problem about their funding. They sound like they just want to draw attention away from those issues instead of dealing them.

I know we're expecting the bishops to deal with the issue.

But at this point in time, the bishops' conferences and just the whole bishop/diocesan culture is another bureaucracy.

Another soulless bureaucracy.

I don't think Jesus had that vision when he founded the Church. He appointed men, not bureaucracies, to serve him.Being a bishop is supposed to be a personal vocation. He's not CEO. He should be a shepherd.

I think the real solution is to show people what's wrong with Development and Peace, show what's wrong with abortion, discourage donations and starve them financially.

The solution will come from the bottom up. I don't have a lot of confidence in the bishops right now. Every time another deadline approaches to "solve" the issue, they write a report or strike a committee. Nothing really changes.

It's when we grassroots Catholics start talking and denouncing that things move.

What's REALLY criminal

Is that this is the state of affairs:

Friday, November 26, 2010

Poor-choicer: women really do honour the fetuses they're about to abort

That's some honour.

And there's lots of other non-sense:

Does Saletan not get it that heterosexual women spend almost 30 years of their life trying to avoid unintended pregnancies? The fact that only 1/3 of them will have an abortion speaks to the enormous success of women’s contraceptive use.

That just says everything about how well our contraception culture is working for us...

As a society, we don’t judge diabetics who sometimes miss medications, or vehicle owners who sometimes run late and get the occasional parking ticket.

Like getting a parking ticket is as much of a life-changer as getting pregnant...

It is unrealistic and unfair to demand that women do something right every day of their life for 30 years.

Exactly. Which is why CONTRACEPTION DOES NOT WORK as a solution to the social problem of abortion...

VIDEO: Trailer of documentary on Bill Whatcott

I've never been a fan of his methods. But I agree with his message. I also believe he has the right to free speech.

Someday he'll part of Canadian folklore, like Johnny Appleseed.


Examine more fully the life history of such an individual [i.e. Jesus]….He was brought up in frugality and poverty. He did not receive a complete education. He had not studied systems and opinions…. How could such a person…have been able to teach in a manner not at all to be despised….so that not only the rustic and the ignorant persons were won by His words, but also many of those who were distinguished by their wisdom?... Now, would not anyone who investigated with ordinary care the nature of these facts be struck with amazement at this man’s victory? … This man, in addition to His other merits, is an objection of admiration for His wisdom, His miracles, and His power of government.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

VIDEO: When Does Human Life Begin (From 1972)

The is an excerpt from the CBC series "Man Alive", exploring the question of the humanity of the fetus by showing a baby born at 26 weeks gestation.

In our day and age, babies that age are killed in the womb. The doctor takes a long needle, fills it with potassium chloride, then injects it into the baby's heart.

And do feminists care that babies die? No. So long as female autonomy is upheld, that's all that matters. It's the only thing that matters. The baby's life is of lesser value.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

QUOTATION: Christian Freedom

The struggle for freedom, then, is waged not alone by the athletes of battles in wars. Rather, it is also waged in banquets, in bed, and in the tribunals by those who are anointed by the Word—who are ashamed to become captives of pleasure.

--St. Clement of Alexandria.

VIDEO: Awesome pregnant belly video (fetus is so live!)

I've given birth three times and I've seen my belly "live". But this one is really live.

Note that in Canada, it's legal to kill fetuses at this stage (and they do) and that if such a baby were killed by a criminal, that killing would not result in a separate charge.

(The parents in this video are French speakers.)

EMBED-Aliens like moving baby - Watch more free videos

H/T: Anglican Samizdat

Sidewalk counsellor Mary Wagner arrested in Toronto

This is an email written by Mary's mother that was passed on to a pro-life activist, which was passed on to me:

Just wanted to let you know that Mary was arrested this morning in Toronto. She was counseling at an abortion clinic (handing out flowers and talking to women), when she was taken away to jail by Toronto police. I talked with her there (the police were kind enough to patch me through to her), and she seemed okay. She told me that one of the women she spoke with got up and left the clinic after talking to her, and that she was engaged in speaking with another when she was dragged away. She hopes she made a difference for them and their babies.

She will likely be transferred to prison after she goes before the judge tomorrow morning. Please keep her in your prayers.

Oh the humanity! Talking to women and handing out flowers! Harassment! Misogyny! Hate speech!

Am eager to see what the charges are.


Note: This is an eyewitness account of Mary Wagner’s arrest by friend of Mary and pro-life activist, John Bulsza.)

November 22, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Yesterday, November 21, 2010, Mary Wagner, a citizen from British Columbia, was arrested at Women’s Care Abortion Clinic at 960 Lawrence Street, West in Toronto. Her court appearance is scheduled for today, Tuesday, Nov. 23, at College Park courts, at 10:00 am. Mary was acquitted in July of a previous arrest in April of this year at a different abortion clinic in Toronto. She was incarcerated for nearly four months at the Milton Vanier Centre for Women.

Mary entered the building the houses the abortion clinic at approximately 9:00 am. Mary’s desire was to be with the women who went there to abort their children, to let them know that they had not been forgotten, nor their babies, and to encourage them to reconsider their decisions.

Mary brought with her a dozen pairs of red and white long stem roses, each with an attached religious Marian medallion and a card addressed to the women with a message of love, some factual details of the early stages of development, an image of a first trimester developing baby, and hot-line phone numbers for pro-life counseling assistance. These roses and medallions were blessed by the priest who presided at a mass just an hour earlier at the nearby church. The roses symbolize the expression of love and peace, the unity meant by God to exist between the mother and child, and the love of Christ as seen through the two rays in the image of Divine Mercy.

Mary’s support team of Wilma Debruyn of Ingersol and myself of London (and many others behind the scenes) provided sidewalk counseling to the women and some of their partners who were entering from the street and pamphlets were distributed.

Approximately one hour later Mary was arrested with a trespassing charge and was released, but not without some rough handling by the two officers, who forced Mary against her will to walk towards us who were on the sidewalk. Their intentions seemed to be good however, wanting to spare Mary a second arrest with the greater consequence of a possible charge of criminal harassment.

At one point Mary was in tears because she felt she was abandoning the women and their pre-born babies. At one point Mary was with us for a brief few minutes and Wilma noted, in a later reflection on the morning, Mary’s passion for the pre-born: “She is really following her call. She is passionate with them [the pre-born babies]”. Quoting Mary she said: “I have to go back to save the babies, I feel my heart is still with them, I have to go back.”

After considering her options with us, Mary returned to the building while in the process of counseling a mother and her partner who was pushing a stroller with a nine-month-old child inside. She was successful in turning back the couple, but not before being arrested again. While Mary was in the police cruiser, sadly the couple returned to the clinic. The two of us on the sidewalk just couldn’t convince the couple with their young child not to return to the clinic. We prayed fervently that they would change their minds. Their fate is unknown.

In between arrests, during the few minutes Mary had with us, she report that at least one woman had turned back from the clinic after her counseling. There may have been others too.

What is the price of one’s life? How much is a life worth? For any child saved by Mary’s actions, and any mother’s conscience being spared the memory of an abortion, it is the price of her freedom, and time spent in jail! God bless you Mary. Thank you for your great sacrifice for the pre-born, their mothers and their significant others. Thank you for being a shining example to us of the kind of love Christ gave to us - his cross, and his resurrection!

Abortion supporter will not answer whether a human embryo is a homo sapiens

Regular readers of this blog know that I have been engaged with Audrey about whether or not a human embryo is a homo sapiens.

When I asked her for the umpteenth time whether a human embryo is *a* homo sapiens, she replied:

I can't agree or disagree with a question that doesn't even make grammatical sense. I've stated over and over that I agree with the tautological claim that a human embryo can taxonomically be classified as homo sapien.

Yes, the same way that a fingernail and hair can be classified as "homo sapien". But this is not about whether the human embryo is homo sapien: we both agree with that.

The question is whether the human embryo is *a* homo sapiens.

And she claims that my question doesn't even make sense grammatically. Which is weird, because I'm sure if I put the question to any college student, they would understand what I'm saying. "Homo sapiens" is used as a noun in plenty of contexts. (Example 1, Example 2 Example 3, Example 4)

She wrote:
|'ve also pointed out the difference between that and being a "human being".

I think she's anticipating.

I sense that there is some unwillingness to speak about the realities of the human embryo.

We all know that a human embryo is *a* homo sapiens. It makes perfect linguistic and biological sense to say that.

The problem is that some people are uncomfortable with the implications.

Because abortion kills that human embryo.

And if you kill a human embryo, you kill a homo sapiens.

And if you kill a homo sapiens, in plain English, you kill a human being.

Which is why abortion will never be de-stigmatized. I mean the fact that we have to do this linguistic song and dance proves it.

Do I mean to say that most people view the embryo as a person? No. But most people do place some value on the human embryo.

Abortion is not a right that's celebrated in this culture. In the hearts of the people, it's often a tolerated lesser evil.

That "tolerated lesser evil" status makes it extremely difficult to de-stigmatize. In fact, I think it's impossible. There will always be people to point out the truth.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Donate to the Carleton #Prolife students!

SoCon or Bust is raising money to pay for the expenses of the pro-life students arrested at Carleton University on October 4th.

Please go over there, scroll down and hit the PayPal button.

It's really important that we support the people who go to bat for us, especially poor pro-life students.

VIDEO: Abortion Story // Frank

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to lie with the truth

Today, the Toronto Star had an article about new abortion providers.

Of course, the issue of fetal rights was completely pushed aside.

Regarding early abortion, the journalist writes:

Physicians examining the tissue from an early pregnancy likely see a pinkish oblong sac with no recognizable anatomical features.

It is true that when the "products of conception" are pulled from the cannister in which they were vacuumed, it looks like a great big amorphous glob.

But you have to open that glob to piece together the fetus to make sure it's all there.

By volume, there is more placenta and other tissue than fetus, and this is what reassures people involved in abortions. The size of the unborn gives lie to the triviality of its existence.

No organization in Canada keeps count of physicians who perform abortions. But in interviews with more than two dozen providers, physician groups and advocacy organizations, the Star learned that there is a shortage of abortion doctors in this country.

Wasn't the proliferation and promotion of contraception supposed to stop all that?

Or did it all make it seem more necessary.

VIDEO: You heard of the Truth Truck... #prolife

Check out the Truth Plane :)

QUOTATION: Love and the State

The State which would provide everything, absorbing everything into itself, would ultimately become a mere bureaucracy incapable of guaranteeing the very thing which the suffering person—every person—needs: namely, loving personal concern. We do not need a State which regulates and controls everything, but a State which, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, generously acknowledges and supports initiatives arising from the different social forces and combines spontaneity with closeness to those in need.

Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est #28

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pro-abort article complains 40 Days "I regret my abortion" message is unfair

Of course it's full of the typical verbal inflation, calling quiet praying in front of the clinic "harassment". But here's the real kicker:

While I would agree that women need more safe spaces to discuss all of their emotions following an abortion, I would also challenge that there is no organization out there with ready-made sandwich boards stating "I regret choosing to parent"

Well, no one's stopping you from starting the group.

Let's see who regrets bringing their child in the world.

Let look at the faces of the people who did not fall in love with their baby, who decided that something else in their life-- education, career, money, success, lifestyle, etc. was more important than an innocent human being.

Aren't they supposed to be the reason for abortion? So that people are not tied down to their little brats?

Hm, funny how they don't want to show their faces...

French pro-abort demands the right to kill "an unwanted child"

Breathtaking honesty! I like that in a pro-abortion group.

Every year about this time, French pro-life groups hold a rosary for life to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of SOS Tout-Petits, a major pro-life group.

These rosaries are typically held in front of cathedrals or churches, and occasionally in the main square.

And you can always anticipate the hardcore leftists to show up and dump on the vigilers.

The threat is so grave that in some cities the riot police were out.

In anticipation of these events, a number of pro-abort groups issue communiques, alerts and various kinds of messages denouncing the prolife cause.

Seen on Grenoble IndyMedia:

We demand the freedom to choose to kill an unwanted child.

(Screen Shot)

Well, now we're getting to the heart of the abortion debate.

(And by the way, the prayers are working. Without much of a pro-life movement, France has closed hundreds of abortion centres in the last five years. Statism has made abortion unprofitable. Although there is greater pressure on the French State to increase the payouts for abortion.)

Repeat after me: Never trust the MSM on Catholic issues

No, the pope did not approve of condoms for prostitutes.

What the pope said is that a prostitute using a condom might be the beginning of an attempt to take more responsibility.

But he said condoms are not the means to deal with the AIDS crisis.

Don't believe the hype.

It wouldn't be the first time condoms were okayed for any purpose. Some time ago, some nuns in ex-Yugoslavia were allowed to carry condoms in case of rape. Rape is not sexual intercourse, therefore condoms are not contraception in this context, but self-protection.


The pope's words on the condom issue:

There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants. But it is not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality.

So there may be a case to say that condoms are first step towards moralization.

That's hardly blanket approval for condoms for prostitutes.

Is a human embryo a human being? (Continued)

I wanted to write another post on this topic as the conversation is on-going.

To re-cap: I had written that abortion would never be de-stigmatized because abortion kills a human being.

In the ensuing discussion, I’d written that a zygote is a human being. After numerous objections, I refined my statement to say that a zygote is a homo sapiens, and that a homo sapiens is a human being.

After more discussion, Audrey agrees that an embryo is a human organism. BUT--

She says that biologists do not agree that a human organism is *a* homo sapiens. The adjective “human” applies, not the noun “human being” (or even homo sapiens)

I had asked her what name do we call the human organism. She responded:

I’ve answered this already: a human embryo. That's the term that biologists use (when appropriate) and why they don't use "human being".

They use “human embryo” (to avoid the uncomfortable implications of the abortion debate) but conceptually speaking, what I said is correct.

She challenged me several times to name a biologist who agreed with my views.

The biologist Scott F. Gilbert of the famous devbio.com website and editor of a widely used biology textbook had a very interesting quote about taxonomy and animals:

“Traditional ways of classifying catalog animals according to their adult structure. But, as J. T. Bonner (1965) pointed out, this is a very artificial method, because what we consider an individual is usually just a brief slice of its life cycle. When we consider a dog, for instance, we usually picture an adult. But the dog is a “dog” from the moment of fertilization of a dog egg by a dog sperm. It remains a dog even as a senescent dying hound. Therefore, the dog is actually the entire life cycle of the animal, from fertilization through death.”
So a dog is a dog from the moment of fertilization.

We can infer then that a homo sapiens is a homo sapiens from the moment of fertilization.

(Quoted from Developmental Biology, Sixth Edition (2000), in the chapter “Life cycles and the evolution of developmental patterns”. Also saw it in French translation of the seventh edition (2003))

Now the last part of my proof is showing that homo sapiens is a human being.

I use the term “homo sapiens” because I know that “human being” is a morally loaded word.

And I wasn’t trying to push any particular view of human beings when I said that “abortion kills a human being”.

In plain English, a homo sapiens is a human being. So when I write that abortion kills a human being, that is the empirical truth.

Whether this human being is viewed as a person or not is immaterial. The fact that abortion kills a human being will the be the source of its stigmatization, because even though large numbers of people do not accord the status of personhood to the embryo, they do not view the embryo as morally worthless.

QUOTATION: Being a True Catholic

Maybe people are led to think, the Church will change its position on this or that or the other thing. The "maybes" of conditionality produce conditional Catholics, and conditional Catholics are deprived of the joy of unqualified discipleship.

--Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, 'To Propose The Truth'

Friday, November 19, 2010

VIDEO: British Police arrest pro-lifers for "offensive" display

Dated November 9th:

America, do you understand now why people see you as a beacon of freedom?

If you don't have the freedom to offend, you don't have freedom.

I would also like to bring up that we need more pro-lifers in the rest of the world (not just America!) ready to be arrested to spread the message.

Because we can expect more censorship.

I say this understanding that I'm a little hypocritical because I don't want to get arrested. I have three kids to take care, and I know every one else has a good reason not to. Nevertheless, no serious movement for political change ever happened without a large number of people being arrested.

We haven't had that many arrests in Canada.

There are bubble zones in effect in Canada. This is a grave injustice in an of itself, aside from the issue of abortion itself.

If we are not ready to fight for our freedoms, we'll lose them. As we already have.

We have to stop thinking of social activism as something comfortable that you do by writing letters and blogposts. How badly do we want our movement to succeed. If there aren't enough of us who are willing to suffer and go to jail, we will never advance. It's as simple as that, folks.

Tahiti Archbishop Strongly Condemns Abortion

Strong condemnations of abortion in the French-speaking world tend to be rare, even among Catholic clergy. But Archbishop Hubert Coppenrath of Papeete, Tahiti was fairly straightforward in his condemnation of abortion, which he put up on the diocesan website in the advent of the worldwide Vigil for Nascent Human Life (my translation):

Abortion is a very ancient practice, but in our materialist world, we try to trivialize it and make it seem morally acceptable. We proclaim that it is a woman’s right, and, if there does seem to be a guilty party, it’s the physician who refuses to perform abortions for reasons of conscience. This attempt to trivialize abortion ends up pervading people’s minds, and we risk forgetting the gravity that brutally ends a life already begun, even if this life is still in utero.

However, the facts contradict the dishonest declarations, and a significant number of women never get over having undergone an abortion. Their tormented conscience hounds them to the point that some physicians in the United States are specialized in post-abortion syndrome.

The pope therefore invites us to prayer, to pray that our consciences remain vigilant, and that they refuse to be abused by the sophistries of the culture of death, that we have the courage to bear witness to our convictions and defend life. Pray also that the Holy Spirit enlightens our consciences and that life is more and more respected.

What strikes me about this statement is the strong language used (much stronger in French) and how straightforward it is and uncompromising.

The statements of those who support abortion are "dishonest declarations."

He's saying: It's BS.

And the reality of many women who undergo the abortion cuts through the BS.

I find that first world condemnations of abortion can be fairly mealy-mouthed for fear of offending the wrong people. Archbishop Coppenrath does not beat around the bush. He does not shrink from calling pro-abortion rhetoric lies.

While I don't think we should abandon measured and diplomatic statements about abortion, I wish bishops would sometimes tell it like it is so that the faithful can hear it like it is. There's less chance of there being any confusion on where the Church stands and what the truth is.


VIDEO: Pro-life activism idea

A group of a few volunteers created a display table in their town centre to inform people about fetal development...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

VIDEO: Nuns learn self-defense

This has nothing to do with anything. It's just...kinda weird. I don't even vouch for its authenticity.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

VIDEO: Inside the IVF Lab

Exclusive: Inside the IVF Lab
Uploaded by RMAofNewYork. - Explore more science and tech videos.

This video step by step into the IVF process.

Pro-lifers know quite a bit about abortion, but maybe less about IVF.

What I'm wondering as I watch this: how does the environment affect the embryo's development?

When a zygote is conceived, he is inside a fallopian tube. I don't know much about the make up of a fallopian tube, but I have a hunch that the blastocyst's movement through the fallopian tube may have an impact on its development. After all, it's in motion, whereas the IVF embryo appears stationary. Does the physics and biochemistry have an effect on the blastcyst?

I wonder if anyone has ever studied this.

Pro-aborts want to silence opposition to abortion

NATIONAL – A new survey by the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) reveals that 64% of abortion clinics in Canada clinics currently experience protest activity, while a further 15% have had protesters in the past. But 73% of clinics have no legal protection from picketing.

The notion that praying across the street from a clinic with signs constitutes "violence and harrassment" is ridiculous.

They feel ENTITLED to not have anyone express opposition to what they're doing.

But you can't stop 40 Days for Life vigils, for the simple reason that you can't stop people from showing up on a public sidewalk. Maybe under and a bubble zone law, we'd have to ditch the signs. But everyone would still know why we were there.

You can't silence opposition.

And oh:

Seventeen clinics (52%) reported that the measures they took to protect providers and staff from protesters were effective or mostly effective. Four clinics (12%) said measures were not effective or only sometimes effective.

Wow, a ringing endorsement of a bubble zone law. Most clinics who took measures said they were "effective" or "mostly effective".

Read the full report here

Solemn Vigil for All Nascent Human Life, 27 November 2010

Our beloved Archbishop of Ottawa, Terence Prendergast, reports that there will be a pro-life prayer service held on Saturday, November 27th, at 7 pm at Notre Dame Cathedral.

I'd like to encourage all my fellow Ottawa pro-lifers to attend! I plan to be there.

Carleton Lifeline told by Student Union it must change its Constitution



Carleton Lifeline told by Student Union it must change its Constitution

OTTAWA – The Carleton University Student Association (CUSA) has notified Carleton Lifeline, Carleton University’s pro-life student group, that the club will not be given club status or funding unless the group renounces its pro-life beliefs in a revised and resubmitted Club Constitution.

This comes on the heels of the arrest of several Carleton Lifeline club members’ arrest last month when they attempted to set up a pro-life exhibit on campus.

There are two major issues at hand here,” stated Ruth Lobo, president of Carleton Lifeline. “First, is that we are being discriminated against because of our political and ideological values. Second, CUSA has taken our club status away in a way that has violated their own procedural policies regarding re-certification and decertification. We have been a club for 3 years, so why now?”

The club was notified of the denial of status via e-mail from Khaldoon A. Bushnaq, Vice-President of Internal Affairs for CUSA. The email states that Carleton Lifeline’s club constitution is in violation of CUSA’s Discrimination on Campus Policy, which expressly states that CUSA supports “a woman’s right to choose” and will not support any student group that holds a different viewpoint. Carleton Lifeline’s constitution reads “Carleton Lifeline believes in the equal rights of the unborn and firmly believes that abortion is a moral and legal wrong, not a constitutional right. Therefore, Carleton Lifeline shall work to promote the legal protection of the unborn and their basic human rights to life.”

“Our constitution has not changed since our club was first certified in 2007,” said James Shaw, vice-president of Carleton Lifeline. “We have always received funding and status whenever we applied, and were always re-certified as a club from year to year.” Shaw adds that even if other students disagree with their views, a student’s association must respect the diversity of opinion within their own membership.

On November 15, 2010, Carleton Lifeline’s legal counsel wrote CUSA pointing out that their Discrimination on Campus Policy is in violation of CUSA’s own constitution and in violation of a number of Carleton University policies. He also pointed out that the manner in which CUSA denied Carleton Lifeline certification was not in line with CUSA’s own policies and procedures.

“We simply want the same status as other clubs without viewpoint discrimination,” stated club member Nicholas Mcleod. “This decision clearly violates CUSA’s own procedures on certification and re-certification. As a student, I am forced to give money to CUSA when I pay my tuition which means that I am paying CUSA to discriminate against me. Our group is going to challenge this.”

For further information, contact Carleton Lifeline at (613) 600-4791, or Carleton Lifeline’s legal counsel, Albertos Polizogopoulos at (613) 241-2701. To see copies of the above-noted correspondence, please visit http://carletonlifeline.wordpress.com/


Is a human zygote a human being?

Debate continued from here because the discussion was getting unwieldy

Audrey and I have been having a debate on the nature of the human embryo.

I have been putting forward the scientifically obvious truth:

That a zygote produced by two human beings is an organism of the species homo sapiens, i.e. a human being.

And Audrey has been disputing that.

Her objection is in the way I use the word "human".

She does not think that the term "human being" applies to a zygote.

All of what I said is LOGICAL.

She did refute the notion that a human embryo is an organism.

She did not refute the notion that all organisms are classified by taxonomy.

She did not refute the notiont that the human organism is a homo sapiens.

She did not refute (in fact you agreed) that a human organism is a homo sapiens.

If a human embryo (i.e. the offspring of two humans) is an organism. If it's an organism of the species homo sapiens, then it's a human being.

Biologists will AGREE with me. Many abortionists agree: abortion takes a human life.

The moral argument comes later, but that's the plain reality. Abortion kills a human being. This is a biological truth.

Monday, November 15, 2010

American Blogger reports being groped by airport security


I stood there, an American citizen, a mom traveling with a baby with special needs formula, sexually assaulted by a government official. I began shaking and felt completely violated, abused and assaulted by the TSA agent. I shook for several hours, and woke up the next day shaking.

Here is why I was sexually assaulted. She never told me the new body search policy. She never told me that she was going to touch my private parts. She never told me when or where she was going to touch me. She did not inform me that a private screening was available. She did not inform me of my rights that were a part of these new enhanced patdown procedures.

When I booked my ticket, I was given no information that the TSA had changed their wand and unintrusive patdown procedures to “enhanced” patdown procedures that involved the touching of all parts of your body, including breasts and vagina on women and testicles and penis on men. I was not informed by any signs on the front side of security about the new procedures. I had not seen any media coverage about the issue, so I had no idea that this was a new government sanctioned policy.

People lack a sense of boundaries in this day and age. We've lost all sense of modesty; that coupled with the sense that the state is allowed to do whatever it wants produced this horrible incident.


He who believes that God is true, and that this is His word, which he has committed to man, has no doubt at all. He is as certain that the doctrine taught is true, as that God is true; and he is certain, because God is true, because God has spoken, not because he sees its truth or can prove its truth.
--Cardinal Newman, Faith and Private Judgment

Sunday, November 14, 2010

VIDEO: The Science of When Life Begins

Brought to you by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform. Diffuse it widely. Warning: there are some graphic abortion images in this video.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

She writes: #ihadanabortion and i hate myself

Someone asked if I had heard about the doctor in Orlando who has been in a lot of trouble, and when I searched for news about it, I realized it was James Pendergraft, the doctor who did my abortions. He has now had his medical license suspended for the FOURTH time, this time for performing late term abortions past the time when they are legal.

When I saw a picture of the clinic, I crumbled. When I saw a picture of the doctor, I began weeping and I couldn’t stop.

Read more

God Bless You, Kelly. God doesn't hate you. :)

I Love Irish Pro-Lifers

Check out a billboard they created:


Pro-abort group listed as movement on Quebec Diocesan Website

And we wonder why the Quebec Church is so silent in the fact of abortion!

The Diocese of Mont-Laurier lists among diocesan movemtns L'Afeas-- a woman's group, which is really a feminist group that has long abandoned any tie to Catholicism.

What does L'AFEAS have to say about abortion?

In the wake of the controversy created by Cardinal Ouellet's condemnation, the Afeas Blog said that it was thrilled by all the negative reaction he had received for his statements and that women had worked for decades for decent abortion services, and there's no going back.

This group is listed as an acceptable "movement" for a diocese.

Oh, and the bishop will turn 75 next year. Lord Jesus, please direct Cardinal Ouellet to send a truly pro-life bishop down that way!

Development and Peace finances film?

I read in today's headlines that Development and Peace has helped finance a documentary called Operation Diablo about how a Peruvian priest who opposed a mining project became the victim of harassment. It was produced by Stephanie Boyd.

Is this what parishoners had in mind when they gave money to the organization? Give a western woman money to produce a movie? Does this really help development in the Third World?

One wonders.

QUOTATION: Faith and Reason

It is an illusion to think that faith, tied to weak reasoning, might be more penetrating; on the contrary, faith then runs the grave risk of withering into myth or superstition. By the same token, reason which is unrelated to an adult faith is not prompted to turn its gaze to the newness and radicality of being.

--Pope John Paul II, Fides et Ratio

Great minds think alike :)

This morning, John Ivison calls Michael Ignatieff the Wile E. Coyote of political strategy.

I used the same comparison in a column I wrote in February. Kind of interesting that he used the same image that I did.

Part of me thinks Ivison was inspired by my column. The other part thinks that the comparison is too obvious to be explained by plagiarism.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Why the effort to de-stigmatize abortion will fail (redux)

RHReality Check has published a column explaining what the #ihadanabortion campaign is all about.

And they don't understand why this is bound to fail.

What will happen is that this effort will be successful inside feminist circles.

But will not affect the general climate about abortion.

Because they don't understand what abortion is and they won't examine it. Naomi Wolfe said as much in her famous 1995 article about facing the fetus. Feminists have not listened.

Steph Herold, the originator of this campaign, said that she was inspired by the 1970's movement for gay rights. Gays came out of the closet and now they are accepted members of society.

Well, there's a big difference between homosexuality and abortion.

First of all, social conservatives are more accepting of gays because they see homosexuality as the product of a psychological problem. In the social conservative mind, something happened to that gay person which fueled feelings of same-sex attraction. As that point of view spread in society, so did greater acceptance of gay people, even among people who disapprove of homosexual behaviour. So to a degree, homosexuality is viewed as an emotional problem, not just a moral problem. And as lots of people have emotional and psychological problems, in that sense, gay people are viewed as no different in that sense.

Secondly it comes to homosexual behaviour, the immediate consequence is not the death of an innocent human being. Sure, there are people who die of diseases brought about by homosexual behaviour. But those consequences are foreseeable, and the people who engage in those behaviours are to one degree or another responsible for those consequences. It's not like an innocent child is being foisted with an STD. Gay people understand that STD's abound; they probably know it better than anyone, but choose to engage in that kind of behaviour, in spite of the knowledge that condoms don't always protect (and the issues don't always arise from the exchange of fluids, either!)

The sexual acts between people of the same sex are viewed as disgusting and immoral. But the people who partake in them aren't necessarily, for the reasons I stated above. Precisely because these sexual acts do not involve non-consenting victims who DIE.

(And in spite of the acceptance of gay people in our society, homosexual behaviour still faces a certain amount of stigma. All that coming out has not stamped out opposition to the acceptance of homosexual behaviour, and it never will.)

Abortion is an entirely different matter. Because when women who had abortions talk about them without regret, they typically leave out one party involved in that act, and that's the fetus.

What will happen with this #ihadabortion campaign is that lots of women will come out of the closet about their abortions. And that will apparently dampen the spirit of shame surrounding it.

It's true that amongst people who deal with abortion and among those who accept it in a superficial sense, there will be a positive vibration about abortion. Because they don't examine what the act entails.

But to the rest of the world who do not have their blinders on when it comes to abortion, it's not going to work.

Because they understand that abortion kills a human being. And no amount of #ihadanabortion tweeting is going to change that.

Besides, how many women are really anxious to share their abortion experiences?

Yes, there are militants who are more than happy to do so.

But the fact of the matter is, abortion is typically undertaken in difficult circumstances that increase the stigma.

For instance, suppose you decide to have an abortion because you can't afford a child.

Why would that be?

Perhaps you're up to your eyeballs in consumer debt, i.e. dumb spending.

Perhaps you're a slacker and you screwed up your life partying instead of settling down and making something out of yourself.

Etc. You can think of your own examples.

Chances are, if you're having an abortion, you have problems in your life. Now, there are perfectly settled women who just don't want to have another kid and have no overriding reason to have an abortion. But they're a minority

Women don't necessarily want to go out on memory lane to share these abortion experiences because aside from the issue of killing a human being, abortion itself caps off a series of failure. Do people really want to share how their break-up, their marginal existence, their drug use, etc etc.?

And this is BESIDES the actual pain of abortion, which many women have.

Have past campaigns to make women come out of the closet been successful? The "I had an abortion" t-shirt campaign went over like a lead balloon. Imnotsorry.net might seem to de-stigmatize abortion, but the fact, is, all these stories are anonymous. That's not much of a coming out. Okay, it might just be a safe place to give other women stories, but as far as de-stigmatizing abortion, it won't have much impact.

QUOTATION: Justice and Charity

Be convinced that justice alone is never enough to solve the great problems of mankind. When justice alone is done, do not be surprised if people are hurt: the dignity of man, who is a son of God, requires much more. Charity must penetrate and accompany justice because it sweetens and deifies everything.
--Bl. Jose Escriva, Friends of God

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Abortion Gang Member Can't Figure It Out

What does the Brenda Drummond case have to do with the abortion issue?  Wonders Christie from The Abortion Gang.

It's the classic "coathanger" abortion story. Brenda Drummond shot her full-term fetus in an effort to kill her unborn child. And the Supreme Court of Canada acquitted her in 1997.

So feminists, care to defend that case? Go ahead and harp on about how Brenda Drummond should have had access to a safe and legal abortion at term, and that the medical system should have been legally obliged to perform it.

Christie also omits to mention that  the Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that the fetus in Canada has no legal existence. Not that the fetus does not have any rights. IT DOES NOT EXIST under the law (until birth. THEN his existence is recognized retroactively.)

What kind of law system doesn't acknowledge what actually exists?

It makes sense to put in place a legal fiction for something that doesn't exist, e.g. corporate personhood.

But to blind oneself that something that really does exist, e.g. a fetus, is foolish.

She writes:

"I am not even really sure where some anti’s found this case"

Gee, a Supreme Court of Canada ruling from 1997. How hard could that have been to have found that? (Not to mention remember it!)
And this is the gist of her post:

What I can’t seem to figure out is the logic behind highlighting a case like this one. This has nothing to do with abortion rights (except for, thank you Canada, recognizing the rights of the mother over the “rights” of the fetus). What does this one woman’s situation have to do with the right to abort an embryo or a fetus? What does almost any fetus story have to do with abortion rights?

Somebody has not been paying attention to the debate.

She can't make the connection so what does she conclude?

This seems to have to do with highlighting the “crazy.” It seems to be the same thread, over and over. “Women are not sane enough to make decisions about their bodies. See? Look at this psychotic woman. Just look at her. How can you trust someone like her to make a decision about having a baby? Honestly. How?”  I can see absolutely no other reason to use this case to argue against abortion.


When anti’s use cases like this one to argue against safe access to abortion, I always wonder: if women aren’t sane enough to decide whether or not they want to have a baby, how can you trust them to raise one?

Before I explain the obvious, i.e. what Brenda Drummond's case has to do with abortion, let me address her issue with women.

The Brenda Drummond case highlights precisely WHY "Trust Women" is a dumb slogan.

Brenda Drummond WASN'T trustworthy.

So WHY should we trust her?

Christie seems to be saying: trust her anyway?

Brenda Drummond couldn't even make a SANE decision about her late-term fetus and we're supposed to trust her?

We're supposed to ignore her inability to make a rational decision and let her make one? One that kills?

Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.

Christie's comeback is that she couldn't raise a child, so why not let her have an abortion?

Because...she doesn't need to raise the child.

Brenda Drummond had two other children. One wonders how they fared. One also wonders if they would have preferred to have been aborted at near term.

Feminists act like this irrational act should be Exhibit A in the case for why abortion should be legal. The woman could have killed herself.

Yeah, but what was she trying to do? She was trying to kill her baby.

So the feminist answer seems to be: Brenda Drummond should have been HELPED to kill her unborn child.

Not locked up. Not told not to do it.


And, this Abortion Gang Member wonders what this has to do with the abortion debate.

Does she not understand that what is being sought here is, first and foremost, the right for the fetus not to be killed?

I think the problem is that many people who support abortion rights are so focused on the woman, they can't understand why someone would think abortion even consists of killing, let alone the killing of a human being.

And some people are so in denial of the process, they don't want their minds to get too close to that reality.

See, if the act of abortion itself were not the stigmatizing factor, people who support abortion rights would be absolutely forthright about that reality. They're forthright about that reality in other parts of the world. Not here. Abortion rights people would say very plainly that the act they seek to defend kills a human being, and it's no big deal.

But they don't do that. Not most of them. Some of them do. But those who do, don't think too hard about the moral implications of it.

The other reason they're not forthright is that they don't want to upset the clients. Because many of the clients are unware of that reality. And some of them are and don't want to be reminded-- because they know what they're doing is wrong.

Realities don't matter in these settings. Euphemisms are commonly employed to shield them from it. It's results that matter. The result that matters is the inconvenient unborn child is discarded and abortionists can make their cash.

That's what happens when you have a morality that supports the ends justifying the means.

VIDEO:What if the woman's life is in danger? #prolife

Brought to you by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Warning: lots of graphic images, including images of abortion and a removal of an ectopic pregnancy. But worth it!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Dare You Compare Abortion to the Holocaust or Slavery?

The problem they have is not really the fact that a comparison is being made to one of these horrific tragedies; after all, we build museums, memorials and reminders of what happened to make sure something like the Jewish Holocaust will never happen again. The problem really is that we have elevated what they consider to be a blob of tissue to personhood status.

If comparison in and of itself were the problem, then we would not go to such great lengths to educate society about what happened. The reason places like Auschwitz are open for the public is to guarantee that we understand the horror of what took place in the death camps.
This is precisely the reason we use such imagery. We want to the world to understand that what makes us so sick about Jewish Holocaust is precisely what makes us sick about the Abortion Holocaust. We talk about the Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision because we want people to see that Roe v. Wade is just as despicable.

The same reason these people are so upset about pro-lifers using these comparisons is the very reason we use them: personhood.

VIDEO: Greg & Earlene's Abortion Story

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Why abortion cannot be de-stigmatized

There's been talk online about the #ihadanabortion meme on twitter and how some people are trying to destigmatize abortion.

It's going to fail.


Because no matter how many women stand up and say "I had an abortion", it does not erase what abortion is.

Abortion is the killing of innocent human life. Period.

The purpose is to try to normalize abortion, to make it seem like it's no big deal, like lots of women do it and go on with their lives with no problem.

The only thing is that now when people look at women who had an abortion, they will say to themselves that they killed their own unborn child. A few brave souls might actually express the truth.

And of course feminists will try to get people to censor themselves and not acknowledge this uncomfortable truth. They will shout people down with : you have no right to judge! You were not in her situation! It's none of your business! You're treating women as murderers! You're misogynist!


But censorship-- whether state-sponsored or socially induced-- does not suppress the truth.

The only way to get people to change their minds on abortion is to get them to change their minds on killing innocent human beings.

But of course, that would be a dangerous path, because we've been there before, haven't we? Namely, during the various episodes of genocide in the twentieth century.

I can just see the reaction now:


Well no. It' people who don't recognize life as inviolable who are trivializing killing the innocent. 

Because they qualify which human beings have a right not to be killed.

Millions of people participated in the Holocaust in World War II. Not thousands. Millions. Millions of people were involved in  denouncing Jews, issuing the paperwork, conducting the trains, herding the victims onto the trains, guarding the camps, raiding the ghettos-- and that's BESIDES the people who issued the orders, dropped the gas pellets or who took part in firing squads.

Everyone was "just doing their job." Minding their business. Just following orders.

Did that "normalize" what was going on?

Not in the long run.

Oh it looked normal to the soldiers in the camp, and to the bureaucrats and the news announcers and  profiteers and everyone else who had a hand in the pot. None of those people would dare question what was going on, even if some of them had some doubt about the situation.

The few people who did spoke up were taken care of.

But to that world outside, it was obvious what was going on. To those in the know and who would admit it.

None of it de-stigmatized what was done.

And this isn't just a question of the "yuck" factor.

People who support abortion seem to think that we don't have a built in revulsion for killing. At least on a collective scale.

Oh sure, anyone can kill in the heat of the moment.  So long as they don't look too hard at what they're doing or think too much about it.

Which is what a lot of people did during the Holocaust.

When you apply logic in a dispassionate manner to the whole business of abortion, it's clear that it's the taking of human life, and if morality or human rights mean anything, the taking of human life is wrong.

But the pro-aborts will continue to skirt the issue. They can't confrotn it. They just can't. The moment they start to deal with this issue, they've lost and they know it.

Helping addicts shoot up is compassion?

InSite has been shown to be a successful public health initiative in more than 30 scientific research reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Such reports demonstrate that InSite users are more likely to seek long-term addiction treatment and to stay off the street, than users who choose to inject outside. The HIV rates in the DTES are on par with many African nations. Such blood-borne diseases are spread by sharing needles—something that is banned at InSite. And instead of using puddle water from urine-soaked alleys, participants are provided with sterile water, which reduces various kinds of horrific infection.

And how is reinforcing their addiction helping them?

"Harm prevention" DOES NOT help addicts.

Because it does not give them what they need.

What they need is GET OFF THE DRUGS.

If they get off the drugs, they won't turn tricks and get AIDS or use dirty needles.

I propose they should be locked up.

Whether they are charged with a crime is irrelevant to me. For their own good, they should be committed to some institution and allowed to dry out until they can think straight and start making rational decisions about their lives.

Because while they are on drugs, they are slaves to drugs. Giving them needles and crack pipes only facilitates that slavery. It does not end it.

Monday, November 08, 2010

"It doesn't look like a baby" says Abortioneer

With pathology experience.

No, no resemblance to a baby whatsoever.

Maybe it's not so surprising. Once they're done with the fetus, it doesn't look like much of anything.

Interestingly enough, one of the former lobbyists at Campaign Life worked in a pathologist's lab and had handled a fetus or two in her day.

German Minister for Women criticises feminism

Says Oz Conservative:
The most important of these departures from feminist orthodoxy is her recognition that pay differentials can be explained in part by the different choices that men and women make when it comes to fields of study and work and that it's unreasonable to expect women who study humanities to end up being paid as much as men who take on more economically oriented, technical vocations.

From his translation of a German article:

The Minister for Women announced that a focus of her politics in future will be the advancement of boys, because they had fallen behind the scholastic achievement of girls for some time.

Politics has culpably neglected boys and men's issues. It was not only necessary that more men should work in the future as teachers in primary schools. The educational content also ought to change. "Do we write enough dictation with football stories? Boys are interested in that. Or is it always about butterflies and ponies?"

In that case, why even bother having a women's minister?

And shouldn't these decisions be made by teachers, not politicians?