Friday, March 31, 2006

Blood transfusion saves anaemic foetus

Blood transfusion saves anaemic foetus
Historic landmark; procedure as early as in 18 weeks of pregnancy
Express News Service
Pune, March 31: Armed Forces Medical College, Pune has achieved a historic landmark by successfully performing blood transfusion for a foetus inside the mother’s womb. In this case, transfusion of blood to an anaemic foetus was carried out as early as in the 18th week of pregnancy.
The procedure was performed to treat Rh-isoimmunised pregnancy, AFMC Professor and Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Col T K Bhattacharyya said. The condition arises when the Rh blood group of the mother and her foetus does not match.

This is the earliest foetal transfusion performed in India, besides being the first of its kind in the country for such a small foetus