Huffington Post: Justin Trudeau Tries To Salvage India Trip Through The Power Of Bhangra Dance. February 23, 2018. We thought this trip couldn't get any more embarrassing. We were wrong!
Victoria Times-Colonist: Surrey man convicted in 1986 B.C. shooting poses with Trudeau’s wife in India. February 22, 2018.
CTV News: More trouble for Trudeau India trip over invitation error, reports of Modi snub. February 22, 2018.
Daily Mail: Justin Trudeau is ridiculed by Indians for his 'fake, tacky and annoying' wardrobe of traditional outfits - and finally dons a suit after criticism . February 22, 2018.
CTV News: PM Trudeau admits 'peoplekind' comment was 'a dumb joke'. February 7, 2018.
MSN: Justin Trudeau Mocked For Telling A Woman To Say "Peoplekind" Not "Mankind". February 6, 2018.
Daily Mail: Justin Trudeau wears pair duck design socks at Davos. January 25, 2018.
CTV News: 'Diwali Mubarak'?: Trudeau's use of Arabic raises eyebrows. October 19th, 2017.
Toronto Sun: Justin Trudeau's bride-smooching kayak trip gets all wet. August 5, 2017.
Journal de Québec: Justin la gaffe: 8 fois où le premier ministre s'est mis les pieds dans les plats... July 11, 2017. Some of Justin's more memorable moments listed in French...
CTV News: No forgiveness for forgetting: Albertans still angry over Trudeau omission, July 4, 2017. (Trudeau forgot to mention Alberta when listing the provinces during Canada Day speech on Parliament Hill.)
Elle Magazine: Justin Trudeau Hugs a Puppet Unicorn in a Beautiful Universe Much Like Our Own. June 21, 2017.
Toronto Sun: Live with Kelly and Ryan not Trudeau's finest moment. June 5, 2017.
Huffington Post: Global Leaders Admire Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's NATO Socks At Summit. May 26, 2017.
CTV News: Feds spent $29,391 on 'Come From Away' tickets for Ivanka Trump, diplomats. May 5, 2017.
CBC News: Justin Trudeau flubs question on North Korea, April 20, 2017:
Toronto Sun: 10 key promises Trudeau has broken since becoming PM. March 25, 2017.
Huffington Post: Trudeau Gets Asked: 'Why Did Your Dad Give Everyone In Western Canada The Middle Finger?' January 27, 2017
CBC News: Justin Trudeau speaks only French at Sherbrooke town hall, despite English questions. January 18, 2017.
National Post:'I feel like you’ve failed me’: Single mom from rural Ontario blasts Trudeau and Wynne over hydro bills. January 13, 2017. Trudeau: “We haven’t brought in any carbon tax yet ma’am,” he said. “It doesn’t start kicking in for another few years.”
CTV News: Trudeau spent vacation on Aga Khan's private island. January 6, 2017. "The Aga Khan founded one of the world's biggest international development organizations, the Aga Khan Development Network. The organization works in 30 countries around the world. The federal government provides tens of millions of dollars in funding to the Aga Khan Foundation of Canada every year."
Toronto Sun: Trudeau holidays in another country as Canada begins celebrating 'once-in-a-lifetime' anniversary. January 1, 2017
Washington Post: Trudeau called Castro a ‘remarkable leader.’ Twitter imagined what he would say about Stalin. November 26, 2016.
Globe and Mail: Trudeau attended cash-for-access fundraiser with Chinese billionaires. November 22, 2016
Toronto Star: Canadian suspect in terror probe took selfie with Justin Trudeau. September 29, 2016.
TIME Magazine: Prince George Did Not Want a High Five From Justin Trudeau. September 25, 2016.
Toronto Sun: Liberals' answer to terrorists: Talk them through their feelings. August 17, 2016. In response to plot by ISIS supporter Aaron Driver to detonate a bomb, Liberal Government will offer "counseling" to potential terrorists.
Winnipeg Sun: Trudeau vs The Cable Guy, July 9, 2016. "Documents obtained by the Sun show that, in fact, it took more than 30 days and 37 bureaucrats from multiple federal agencies, including the RCMP and the PM's national security advisor, to get the TV working when the Trudeaus moved into their official residence." Their cable bill is $380 a month, paid for by the taxpayer.
Justin Trudeau - 50 "UMM'S" In Just Over 1 MINUTE June 20, 2016. Justin Trudeau responds to the forest fire situation in Fort McMurray:
National Post: Trudeau hired nanny under temporary foreign worker program — before he became a vocal critic of it, May 27, 2016.
CBC: Trudeau accused of 'manhandling' Conservative, elbowing NDP MP in House uproar, May 18, 2016
CBC: Sophie Grégoire Trudeau's claim of being overwhelmed sparks debate about role of PM's spouse, May 12, 2016
Global News: ‘I saw him stick his tongue out’: Trudeau accused of ‘childish behaviour’ in House of Commons, May 6, 2016
CIJNews: Compilation of Trudeau’s statements and gaffes since assuming power as Prime Minister, April 21, 2016. List of dumb quotations from Justin Trudeau since being sworn in in November 2015.
Rebel Media: Liberal media fall for Justin Trudeau's rehearsed lines on quantum computing, April 18, 2016. Trudeau was really hoping journalists asked him about quantum computing. When a journalist asked about the mission to ISIS, he spewed some non-sense. Press conference fail.
Toronto Sun: Canada not at war with ISIS: Trudeau. March 23, 2016.
BC Blue: CBC’s Rosemary Barton takes selfie with Trudeau during interview in DC, March 11, 2016.
LifeSiteNews: Tory MP [Cheryl Gallant] calls out Trudeau for refusing to call ISIS attacks on Christians ‘genocide’, February 26, 2016.
CTV News: Federal government projects $18.4B deficit next year. February 22, 2016. "Justin Trudeau had said he would run “modest deficits” of no more than $10 billion per year over three years."
Global News: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the Guest of Honour at a Chinese New Year celebration at the Metro Convention Centre in Toronto on Saturday night. February 6, 2016. Check out the duds.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the Guest of Honour at a Chinese New Year celebration at the Metro Convention Centre in Toronto on Saturday night.
Posted by Global News on Saturday, February 6, 2016
Canoe: Justin Trudeau's Best Selfies. February 5, 2016.
CBC News: Waterloo union admits paying workers to be props at Trudeau election event, January 28, 2016.
Rebel Media: Sophie Trudeau starred in a fake infomercial that will make you SICK, January 25, 2016.
Journal de Montréal: Le conjoint de Maude Carrier a raccroché au nez de Justin Trudeau quand il l'a appelé pour lui offrir ses condoléances. January 21, 2016. (On Monday, when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau phoned Yves Richard, the partner of Maude Carrier who died in the terror attack in Burkina Faso, the grieving man told him to stop his political rhetoric, to hug his wife and kids and then hung up on him.)
CBC News: Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau showcases her singing chops at Ottawa MLK event. January 18, 2016. Shades of Margaret Trudeau singing at the Venezuela state dinner in 1976.
TVA Nouvelles: Ouagadougou: la mère d’une victime en colère contre Trudeau. January 18, 2016. (Summary, Camille Carrier, the mother of Maude Carrier, who died in a terrorist attack in Ouagadougou, is outraged at Justin Trudeau. She says he parades around with his new haircut and empty phrases but won't fight the terrorists. )
National Post: Condemn Burkina Faso terror attack ‘with airplanes’ not just words, victim’s mother tells Trudeau, January 18, 2016.
UpNorth: Canadian PM Trudeau: Baltic Nations Are Not "A Thing", December 15, 2015
CBC News: Trudeau children's nannies being paid for by taxpayers, November 30, 2015.
CBC News: Justin Trudeau's toast to the Queen elicits cheeky response, November 27, 2015. (Emphasized how long she's lived, i.e. made her feel old.)
Ottawa Sun: Justin Trudeau is Prime Minister Selfie, November 15, 2015 (Trudeau poses for selfies at G7 conference and his speech is ignored.)
LifeSiteNews: Trudeau defends candidate who said someone’s mom ‘should have used that coat hanger’, August 18, 2015.
Rebel Media: "Who is your favourite Avenger?" Media's "tough questions" for Justin, August 18, 2015
Globe and Mail: Trudeau says Liberals determined to grow economy ‘from the heart outwards’, August 12, 2015.
LifeSiteNews: Liberal leader Trudeau takes heat for posing with topless woman in 2014. August 7, 2015.
Globe and Mail: Eve Adams’s failed nomination bid casts doubts on Trudeau’s judgment Eve Adams was a former Conservative MP who crossed the floor to become a Liberal. July 27, 2015
Global: Justin Trudeau blames low polling on timing, cynicism June 21, 2015
Rebel Media: After the last caucus meeting, at a press conference, Justin Trudeau says that he will make abortion a priority. June 17, 2015
True North Times: Justin Trudeau Mixes Up Russian Politicians, Never Met Nemtsov, March 4, 2015 (Boris Nemtsov was a Russian opposition leader who was shot dead.)
The Rebel: Justin Trudeau Flip Flops Again on Canada's Role in Fighting ISIS. March 2, 2015
VIDEO: Interview with Windsor Star. Justin Trudeau is asked to complete this sentence: "If elected Prime Minister, on my first full day I would..." Draws a blank. Video uploaded by Brian Lilley of Sun News. January 24, 2015.
Canoe: Blocked from nomination race, Trudeau leadership rival complains of 'back-room, strong-arm' politics November 17, 2014 (Trudeau protegé Andrew Leslie won nomination in Ottawa-Orleans)
Canoe:Trudeau:Drop parkas, not bombs November 7, 2014
Global: NDP MP regrets telling Trudeau about harassment allegations, November 27, 2014
Ville Marie Online: SHOULD TRUDEAU BE DENIED COMMUNION? October 18, 2014
LifeSiteNews: Justin Trudeau attends Planned Parenthood fundraiser October 17, 2014
Sun News
Toronto Sun: Trudeau denies Liberals ditched policy with ISIS combat mission vote October 8, 2014
Huffington Post: Trudeau On Iraq: Harper Can't Just 'Whip Out Our CF-18s' October 2, 2014
Sun News:
Toronto Sun: Tories criticize Trudeau for visiting mosque whose imam supports stoning, October 8, 2014
Ezra Levant: Trudeau inherited dad's arrogance, not brains, September 14, 2014. Quote:
"We have to realize that the way of thinking that got us to this place no longer holds. We have to rethink elements as basic as space and time, to go all science fictiony on you in this sense."Toronto Sun: Trudeau opposes revoking Canadian passports of would-be terrorists September 13, 2014
Toronto Sun: Tory MP slams Trudeau on sex-selective abortion, (Trudeau refuses to condemn sex-selective abortion) May 26, 2014
Rosie di Manno, Toronto Star: On abortion, Justin Trudeau imposes ethical lobotomy on Liberals, May 16, 2014 [says Liberal MP's must vote for abortion]
CBC: Thwarted Liberal candidate Christine Innes sues Justin Trudeau for defamation, April 14, 2014
Toronto Sun: Trudeau's carbon tax will hurt Canada's economy, July 8, 2014. Trudeau advocates for a carbon tax like Stéphane Dion and Michael Ignatieff.
David Akin, Are you in Justin Trudeau's middle class? Not if you're retired, April 3, 2014 [Who does Justin Trudeau think is the middle class. Never answered the question!]National Post: Justin Trudeau says he’s committed to open nominations — despite banning a candidate over bullying claims, March 19, 2014
CBC: Zach Paikin criticizes Justin Trudeau as he ends Liberal nomination bid, March 17, 2014 [Zach Paikin says Justin Trudeau broke his promise of open nominations.]
CBC: Justin Trudeau under fire for Ukraine joke, February 24, 2014. QUOTE:
"President Yanukovych has been made illegitimate. It's very worrying, especially because Russia lost in hockey, they'll be in a bad mood. We fear Russia's involvement in Ukraine," Trudeau said.
Toronto Star: Justin Trudeau apologizes for flippant remark about Ukraine, February 25, 2014
CBC: Trudeau removes 32 senators from the Liberal Caucus, January 29, 2014
Sun News:
Margaret Wente: Justin Trudeau does ladies’ night, November 12, 2013
CBC: Justin Trudeau's 'foolish' China remarks spark anger, November 9, 2013. QUOTE:
The Liberal leader was asked which nation he admired most. He responded: "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."
National Post: At Toronto fundraiser, Justin Trudeau seemingly admires China’s ‘basic dictatorship’ November 8, 2013
Columnist Kathryn Marshall: Hey Justin, We're Not Your Ladies, November 6, 2013 [Liberal Ladies' Night-- Liberal fundraiser where liberal women were invited and basically fawned over the guy.]
Globe and Mail: Politically correct: Justin Trudeau apologizes to used car salesmen, Sept. 20, 2013
Huffington Post: Justin Trudeau Smoked Marijuana After Becoming MP, August 22, 2013
Toronto Sun: Trudeau under fire for attending controversial Islamic group's event July 16, 2013 [Gave keynote speech at Reviving the Islamic Spirit conference, hosted by ISNA, which supports Polygamy and sharia. IRFAN was a co-sponsor.]
Toronto Sun: Trudeau defends Senate comments, May 28, 2013. QUOTE:
"We have 24 senators in Quebec and there are only six for Alberta and British Columbia. That benefits us. It is an advantage for Quebec."
Lorne Gunter: Justin Trudeau again reveals anti-West feelings [About how Trudeau wants to keep Senate because it's to Quebec's advantage], May 27, 2013
Lorrie Goldstein: "Justin Trudeau naive to think he knows root causes of terrorism", April 26th, 2013. [Trudeau's reaction to the Boston Bombers: "no question that this happened because there is someone who feels completely excluded, completely at war with innocents, at war with a society. And our approach has to be, OK, where do those tensions come from?"]
Stephen Taylor: Justin Trudeau Once Lobbied for Temporary Foreign Workers for a restaurant in his riding, April 17, 2013
Globe and Mail: Tories release letter by Trudeau asking for temporary foreign workers for his riding, April 17, 2013
Rabble's Gerry Caplan: Justin Trudeau's ethical problem March 4, 2013 (About his acceptance of speaking fees for non-profits)
Gerry Caplan in Globe and Mail: As an MP, Trudeau shouldn’t be charging the public for speeches, March 1, 2013
Macleans: Spoiler alert: ‘That’s a moment when the camera needs to be locked on me’... A glimpse into Justin Trudeau’s impressive instinct for the camera, February 20, 2014.
Toronto Sun: Trudeau missed House business while earning thousands on speakers circuit, February 15, 2013
Orleans Star: Justin Trudeau is richer than you think, February 14, 2013
Sun News: Trudeau Runs Away from Sun News, December 13, 2012. Faith Goldy chases Justin Trudeau asks him about Reviving the Spirit Islamic conference. (On Toronto Sun website.)
National Post: Justin Trudeau’s anti-Alberta remarks aren’t going over well in Quebec either, November 24, 2012
Sun News/QMI: Trudeau says he'll help Quebec separate if Harper gets his way, February 14, 2012
Operation Maple:
Globe and Mail: Justin Trudeau apologizes over French school comment, Mar. 31, 2009. Apologizes for suggesting one school system would be more effective.
TVA: Selon Justin Trudeau la Charte protégerait les extraterrestres June 7, 2008. Can't find an English reference. Trudeau says if extraterrestrials came to Canada, they would be protected by the Charter. The question was posted on his website, but then scrubbed. It was blogged here and archived here. Western Standard had also mentioned it. Canoe also reported on the story. The question was asked during an online Q & A session for an electoral event.
Canadian Press/Western Star: Justin Trudeau tells conference it's 'lazy' to know only one language, February 12, 2008. Trudeau joins cast of soldiers' descendants in The Great War, July 28, 2006.
Daily Kos: Justin Trudeau Presents Stupidity Award to George Bush, July 24, 2004.
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Justin Trudeau, Age 14 |