Friday, June 30, 2006

Pat Robertson helps out victims of Hurricane Katrina

They say Pro-lifers only care about the unborn. Quite frankly, that is blind prejudice. Pat Robertson operates a charity that helps out people in various settings. Here's an article:

Given Pat Robertson’s intemperate remarks of late, it’s all too easy to cast stones at anything that bears his stamp. But when it comes to his Virginia Beach-based charity, Operation Blessing, hang onto those rocks.

O.B. is best known for its work abroad, distributing food in Africa, for example, and earthquake and tsunami relief in Asia. A photo mural featuring the group’s global efforts even greets disembarking passengers at the Norfolk International Airport.

But it’s the charity’s largely unnoticed work here at home that is overdue for praise.

In a forgotten corner of obliterated eastern New Orleans, where desperate locals have been without medical facilities for nearly a year, Operation Blessing has stepped in to fill the void. It has spent some $1 million on a free medical and dental clinic that serves almost 100 patients each day.

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