Monday, July 31, 2006

An Interview with Jerry Falwell

I'm surprised this interview hasn't been more publicized.


Q: You've mentioned opposing abortion and gay marriage as the top issues for social conservatives. Why?

A: Any candidate today who would hope to get the support of the social conservatives would be necessarily pro-life and supportive of the traditional family, i.e., one man married to one woman.

Q: Where do such issues as poverty, AIDS in Africa and the war in Iraq fit in?

A: We are very much involved in all of that at our ministry in Lynchburg (Va.) at Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University. We have 50 years operating the Elim Home for alcohol and drug addicted men. We own and operate the Liberty Godparent Home for unwed mothers. We have an adoption agency. We have a recovery ministry for those who are chemically dependent and those who have an attraction for the same sex and want out. We operate churches in the inner-city providing both physical and spiritual needs there. We preach the Gospel to the poor, feed the poor.

That pretty much debunks the notion pro-lifers don't care about the "born". At least in this case. Certainly in the case of the Pope as well.

Another tidibit:

Q: Last week some people from the anti-abortion group Operation Save America came to Jackson for a protest. At one of their rallies, they burned a Quran, the Muslim holy book. How does this action help or hurt the anti-abortion movement? Do you think it's a Christian thing to do?

A: I'm very much pro-life. I'm very much anti-violence. I'm also of the opinion that you win more converts with honey than vinegar. If you want to win Muslims to Christ you shouldn't burn the Quran. If you truly want to speak up for the unborn, you should show common courtesy and genuine caring of other people. I don't think it helps the cause at all when people do obnoxious things that attack other religions and other faiths.

Good call.

Q: Would the same go for a Muslim candidate whom you felt was aligned on the moral issues?

A: If a Muslim candidate came to the forefront in this country for president, and clearly stated that he opposes terrorism and Hezbollah and Hamas, and supports the right of the state of Israel to exist, and then was right on the fiscal, political and social issues, I would have no problems supporting him.

Another good call.

I thought this part was funny:

Q: Who's the most interesting or unlikely person with whom you've prayed?

A: I've prayed for (Hustler magazine publisher) Larry Flynt in his office, on Larry King Live and a lot of the places, universities, where we debate. He doesn't join in the prayer but he so far hasn't shot me.


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