Monday, July 24, 2006

The Myth of the Coathanger

This is an opinion piece by Vox Day at WorldNet Daily, debunking the myth of thousands of women dying from abortions.

But those concerned about the consequences of the coming abortion bans need not trouble themselves about the theoretical problem of women surreptitiously scraping out their insides with coathangers. Not only is there no evidence of numerous American women having died from self-inflicted abortions in the past, there is no evidence of women who live in countries where abortion is currently banned dying from them either.

This is easily demonstrated in a variety of ways. In 1973, there were approximately 106 million women living in the United States, of whom 876,208 died that year. If 20,000 women had died by coathanger, it would have been the seventh leading cause of female death at 18.8 per 100,000, putting it right between diabetes mellititus and arteriosclerosis. In fact, a mere 10,000 deaths by coathanger would have still made the top ten, beating out suicide by a comfortable 2,090 female corpses.

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