Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Protesting too much

I had to scoff at this op-ed complaining that conservatives hate liberals and don't think of them as human.


Does this guy have any idea about how conservatives, particularly social conservative Christians are treated?

Hate? How about all those times Christians are called bigots, intolerant, and subjected to hostile rants? How about all the prejudice aimed at Christians, like they're stupid, uneducated, hateful, their women are "submissive" (re: without character, personality or backbone, and can't think for themselves.)

I don't consider myself a conservative, tout court. Although some on the left would disagree. To an extent I agree that some conservatives express great hostility to people they disgaree with (having been on the receiving end of some of that hostility myself).

On the other hand, a leftist would have to be blind not to see the prejudice and contempt that conservative Christians suffer on a regular basis.

I can understand why someone on the left would want to villify conservatives. What gets my gall is that they don't even see it in their own camp.

But I guess we're just Christian orcs and that's okay.