Saturday, July 22, 2006

Shocking images...shocking facts

Alisa at Are you listening asks:

How would anti-abortionists feel if those in favour of abortion lined the streets with pictures of starving or molested or dead children in an attempt to "shock" people into supporting them?

The purpose of "Show the Truth" is to get people to see the reality of abortion. Whether people "support" Show the Truth is not the point.

While there aren't pictures of starving, molested or dying children in the street, they certainly appear on my tv screen frequently enough. Just watch NewsNet. There are lots of ads for charities that cater to starving children in the Third World, and we see all kinds of carnage of dead or injured children.

The reason we have to go to the street is precisely because no one will show it on television.

It upsets me, but I don't challenge the right of people to show what is true. I just change the channel.

Imagine if we couldn't show the shocking images of Third World children in a state of malnutrition.

No one has the right to tell another person what to do with their own body.

What if it were possible to shrink an adult into the size of a pea, then inject him into a woman's body (why is not the point). Would the woman have the right to kill that adult?

I'm interested in your comments.

This "no one has the right to dictate to me" comment has rationalized many an injustice, like slavery (no one has the right to tell me what to do with my property!) and domestic violence (no one has the right to tell me how to run my family!).

It completely neglects the notion there is another party involved in the abortion. That's the way feminists want it: do not consider the fetus. He's a nothing. He's a nobody, even though we acknowledge him, love him, treat him medically, etc.

I think her upholding Margaret Sanger as a role model is shameful. She was an avowed racist who wanted to use birth control and abortion to control the population of dark-skinned people and eliminate the unfit.

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