Friday, August 04, 2006

Madonna excommunicated?

So I understand that at least one cardinal is calling for Madonna to be excommunicated for wanting to stage a mock crucifixion during her show in Rome.

I understand why some people might be upset, but I'm a little pissed that of all the people in the world they could excommunicate, they pick on HER.

As far as I know, Madonna no longer professes to be Catholic. I can't say she's renounced the Faith, but since she's adopted Kabbalah, there is a strong doubt that she's anything close to resembling a Catholic.

Excommunication is the kind of penalty that can only work if you actually care what the Church teaches, or if you're trying to be faithful on some level. Can anyone honestly say she's giving it a shot?

It irks me, because there are Catholic politicians around the world, who say they're "good Catholics" who routinely contradict Church teaching by voting for abortion or same-sex marriage, or one doesn't have to obey Church doctrine, etc. Like Paul Martin for example.

There are tons of lapsed Catholics around the world doing all kinds of blasphemous and pornographic things, and no one picks on them.

But then they don't profess to be "good Catholics"! Who cares! They're not saying what they're doing is consistent with the Catholic Faith.

When a Catholic politician, or any other public official, starts contradicting Catholic doctrine, where are the threats of excommunication? Heck, refusing Communion would be a good start.

This is just crap. Madonna staging this crucifixion is a disgrace, but it's not like she has loads of faithful Catholics in the crowd. A bad Catholic politician, though can give millions a bad example in the mass media.

When the heck is the Vatican going to crack down on the real troublemakers?

Not to mention the bishops who won't enforce orthodoxy.

Let's pick on those who're inside the fold and are trying to mislead the sheep. To those who have strayed, let's be a bit more "pastoral". I'd be a lot more sympathetic to calls of "understanding" and "catechizing" to folks like her than Catholic politicians who've had "Catholic" education.

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