Thursday, August 17, 2006

No to witchcraft, yes to Christ: SA Bishops

Sigh. Has it sunk to this? Priests practicing idolatrous rituals in South Africa.

Here's the thing that annoys me. While I am thrilled the bishops are speaking out plainly against this-- which is light years ahead of what we get in the West, when we get any condemnations at all-- it irks me that these priests got in the seminary in the first place.

How in the name of God are men who are open to such superstition allowed to graduate and be ordained???

This is what annoys me.

Bishops YOU are part of the solution: make sure no one who is open to this gets in the seminary!

It's the same thing with priests who dissent on sexual and family doctrine in the Church: they shouldn't even be in the seminary in the first place. If they're weak on these doctrines, they should postpone entering the seminary. If they can't reconcile to Church doctrine, they can't be priests-- simple as that. That's their job, to preach it and live by it.

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