Thursday, August 03, 2006

Number of abortions down by 5% in Quebec

I'm glad to hear that the number of abortions is declining in Quebec. These numbers are from the Institut de la statistique du Québec, (which I'd never heard of, before.) I'm wondering if the pro-life message is somehow filtering into Quebec. It'd be interesting to study the phenomenon.

This is translation of some parts of a cyberpresse article:

In 2005, there had been 28 080 abortions, 5 per cent less than in 2004, which was a record year for abortions.

"I was surprised, because it's a significant decrease," commented Louis Duchesne, a demographer at the ISQ. "Normally, when there is a change, it doesn't change so fast."

This decline is also remarkable because it goes against a strong trend. Between 1971 and 2004, the number of abortions increased every year, except for a few years where there were minor decreases , from 1-3 per cent.

This decrease cannot be attributed to the aging population.

The abortion rate per woman has gone from 18.9 to 18.1, which represents are decrease of 4.4 per cent.

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