Friday, August 11, 2006

The Price of Being Pro-Life

McPhee is a pro-lifer who tells about his experiences with poor-choice acquaintances on Children Living, Please. I will pass this on, almost without commentary, because I think it's so revelatory.

Now... that said, there are some pro-choice women who make me cringe with the things they say. They're cold, cruel, and merciless when describing how they feel about pro-lifers, and they refuse to reciprocate respect to people that they believe are trying to "take away their rights." They just plain don't like us. Never have, and never will. But I've gotten to know many of these women on a personal level, mainly because I used to be a pro-choicer, and was on the same page as many of them... for a while.

After I lost my resolve when it came to allowing myself to be pro-choice, and I decided that I couldn't support the legally sanctioned death of what I knew were children, and I told them that, they stopped trying to know me. Many of them stopped talking to me, and others actively told me that, if I was to continue being pro-life, that I didn't deserve their respect.

It's unfortunate, because I really did like who they were when I agreed with them, and they liked me. But I guess being pro-life makes me a bad person, doesn't it?

That's what it boils down to. Favoring fetal rights make you a bad person in the eyes of many leftwingers, particularly feminists. Absolutely true.

Now, when it comes to actually talking to these women as a pro-life person, you have to understand a couple things. Most decent behavior goes right out the door in lieu of assumptions, cattiness, and sarcasm. They don't like you, because you apparently think that women are worth less than their children. And as well, they don't give a shit about the "fetus". They just don't care. As they say, "There are no babies in abortion."

See, when I post something about being pro-life, and it gets jumped on by a group of pro-choice women, a couple things happen. They first pick apart what I say, and see how they can twist it to make me look like a sexist, a bigot, an idiot, and a Christian, all at the same time. That isn't to say that I mind being thought of as a Christian, it's just... not accurate. See, to pro-choice women, and pro-choicers in general, anyone who is pro-life is pro-life because A) they're misinformed about the "facts" of abortion, or B)They're christian, and are pro-life because it's against God's will.

See, that's when the choicers really start to piss me off. When they start to assume things about who I am because I'm pro-life, I get very agitated. I'm for gay marriage, against the death penalty, anti-war, an active (well, not for a while... ) homosexual, and an agnostic. But the way these people would have you see it, I'm a christian bush-lover, who hates gay people, liberals, and women, supports the war in Iraq, and I'm not even able to understand complex ideas. Pro-life=stupid, right wing, woman hater.

But I'm none of those things. I'm a person who has made the choice not to support the mass death of children, because it's just not right. Isn't that enough? Doesn't that justify my switching over from pro-choice to pro-life?

Obviously not. See, these women don't respect me. They didn't respect my choice to change my mind about an issue. They see me as someone who betrayed them, because I switched sides, seemingly without provocation. Why, why, why did I decide that being pro-choice was not for me?

I've seen that same cattiness in others.
Read the whole post here

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