Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Relapsed Catholic strikes back! RE: SOW

Kathy Shaidle has a beautiful post in response to Audra Williams' pathetic posts (here's one) on why SOW (Status of Women) is necessary-- as if bar charts were an argument.

Groups like Status of Women cannot present an iota of concrete proof that they have raised the living standards of any particular Canadian women -- except for their own staff members, whom I assume are paid salaries above the national average.

Only individuals, using their own intelligence, will power, ambition, networking skills and so forth, can change their own circumstances. And frankly, as a woman living in Canada (and not Afganistan or Somalia), I think my "status" was pretty high just by virtue of being born here, socialist snowball republic though it may be. Audra's commenters talk about the discouraging "messages" women allegedly get from people less enlightened than themselves. Well, I chose to ignore, using nothing more than my own sheer stubborness, the lifetime of negative messages I got from socialist feminist weaklings -- that I needed "special" consideration, that I was going to be raped any second, that without the power of the Sisterhood, I was doomed. Rather, the nuns who taught me from nursery school through Grade 13 (that tells you how old I am) told me I could be whatever I wanted to be, because I was smart and driven. And that's just what I've done. (So much for the evil Catholic patriarchy.)

Read the rest. Beautiful.

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