Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Integrity Matters

I can't say I have too much to add to this Lifesite Article,except I will quote some choice words:

The Liberal Party of Canada was not concerned about the situation. Liberal Party Leader Bill Graham was quoted in the Hamilton Spectator commenting on the Stronach affair saying, "Canadians are well beyond such judgments. I think Canadians have come to a point in our national life where we recognize that private lives of people are private lives. Unless it impinges on their public duties, it is not relevant to Canadians."

Mary Ellen Douglas of Campaign Life Coalition disagreed. "MPs running for office, whether male or female have to have some integrity if they expect to have the people behind them," said Douglas in comments to "If they are going to create public scandal, they should get a public backlash. Belinda seems to create public scandal wherever she goes and does not seem to think she deserves a public reprimand."

Graham may have personal reasons for his stand on strict separation between political and personal life. Graham too has left unanswered questions related to illicit sexual affairs in his past. Graham, who is married and has two children, has never denied public allegations that he had a sexual relationship with a juvenile male prostitute.

Lawrence Metherel claimed he began a relationship with Mr. Graham in 1980, when Metherel was 15 years old, in a 2001 interview with Toronto-based Fab magazine. TorStar corporation, the corporation which produces Canada largest daily paper, publishes a weekly Toronto paper called 'Eye' which referred to Metherel as "an ex-boyfriend of Graham's" and Graham's "spurned lover," in a 2002 article.

You can't separate people into public and private personalities. If they are dishonest in private, they will be dishonest in public. People who are dishonest with themselves, will not be more honest in positions of power.

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