Thursday, October 05, 2006

Stop the politics of fearmongering

Today, in the National Post, there's a very good op-ed denouncing the anti-Evangelical bigotry that has been going around. I'm referencing the article from Free Dominion

Frankly, we're tired of the Liberals' belief that they hold a monopoly on Canadian identity, that they alone can divine what is and is not acceptable for Canadians to believe. We have seen it time and again in their recent election campaigns. Every leader or party disagreeing with their positions on health care, the military or foreign affairs is portrayed as simply a toady of Washington. Their underlying message is everyone must believe as they do to be worthy of governing this country. Everyone who does not is guilty of harbouring a "secret agenda" to impose "American-style" health care or establish a theocracy.

Enough of this politics of fear and anti-Evangelical bigotry. Canadians are not simple-minded. They can decide for themselves what positions are and are not acceptable. If Mr. Reid's views are too shocking for voters, they will defeat the government that hired him at the next election. That's how democracy works. The affront is in suggesting that there should be an ideological litmus test to determine which Canadians may enter public service based on their moral beliefs.


I suspect that the reason why they use the fearmongering so much is because their own agenda lacks substance. The Liberals have so been beaten down by adScam and their own blatant corruption and tired policies, the only way they know how to do politics is to scare the crap out of people that the Apocalypse is coming.

Hey folks-- the Canadian people voted Stephen Harper in-- GET USED TO IT!

The culture is changing. Liberalism isn't the only way. People are not liking what they see when it comes to the culture. Canada will become more socially conservative. I see the change in the reactions of the people. With persistence, we will be able to transform Canada, one heart at a time.

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