Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yay! some common sense! re: the political discourse

I was fishing around the blogosphere when I found this post from quote from Prolegomena. I thought it was very a propos:

Some Liberals go so far as to call the cutbacks for the Status of Women in Canada as ‘anti-Canadian’ and ‘anti-Civilization’. Are you kidding me? Why? Because only unthinking support for whatever institutions exist is acceptable? Since when has democracy become so rigid in Canada that genuine change isn’t readily possible? I happen to think cutting support of the SWC is a poor choice, but that I should list ‘5 things feminism has done for me‘ is utterly laughable, and deserves the scorn it gets from Conservatives. (The irony here should not escape the Christian reader: whereas those nasty evangelicals use ‘testimony’, or ‘what God has done for me’, as part of their faith, the Liberals have replaced it with the halos of modernity like ‘feminism’.) Not because there’s a problem with feminism, but because it’s completely ridiculous to think that Liberals have captured the moral high ground in this issue, or that it’s one of fundamental difference with Conservatives. And, the entitlement language that exists in these kinds of statements reveals the political arrogance of a bitter party. Nobody ‘represents’ Canada, go back and read your Burke, and the debates in the British Parliament of the 18th and 19th centuries, and realize what a difficult concept ‘representation’ really is.