Monday, January 08, 2007

Number of adoptees is on the decline in US

The number of Americans deciding to adopt children from overseas is soaring, even amid high costs, mountains of paperwork and as some countries, notably China, are tightening requirements for eligible parents. In 2006, the U.S. Department of State issued 20,679 visas for orphans being adopted from other countries. This is up from just under 7,100 in 1990, but down from 22,728 in 2005.

Domestic infant adoptions peaked in 1970 at 89,200, and dropped off significantly following the legalization of abortion and the availability of birth control.

In comparison, 22,291 U.S. infants were adopted domestically in 2002, the most recent data available, according to the National Council for Adoption. That's down from 26,672 in 1992.


The number of adoptions is shockingly low.

Consider that over 1 million abortions are performed every year in the U.S.

Parents would not have to go overseas to adopt if pregnant carried out their pregnancies instead of aborting.

Pro-aborts often ask me: how many kids have I adopted?

Mind you, that's a really nosy question.

But the truth is, there is a massive shortage of children to adopt. It takes years. This is why people go overseas to adopt.

Here's a related story from New Zealand:

Adoptions of New Zealand babies have plummeted in the past decade but hundreds of Kiwis are opening their homes to children from overseas.

In 1997, 591 children were adopted within New Zealand, the majority by one of the child's parents and their spouse or by other relatives, according to Child, Youth and Family figures.

By 2006 the number of local adoptions had almost halved to 294, with only 87 of these children taken in by non-relatives.

The change is mainly due to social factors such as more support for single parents and greater availability of contraception and abortion.

Internal Affairs Department statistics show the number of children adopted from overseas by New Zealanders was 413 in 1997, but the tally steadily declined to 273 in 2002.
