Thursday, March 22, 2007

Emilio Gonzales will be treated

The good news related to Emilio Gonzales is that his hospital has agreed to extend his treatment to April 10 and is assisting the family with a transfer. Today we received this important message from Jerri Ward:

I am the attorney for Catarina and Emilio Gonzales, and I have a request. I am requesting of all our supporters that they refrain from calling Emilio's treating physicians at the hospital, their offices or their homes.

I am making this request, because unknown supporters have been making such calls. We have reason to believe that physicians who may be willing to help are being frightened off because of the phone calls made to the doctors.

It is imperative that we find a hospital and doctor willing to help, so I am asking that all of you pass this along and ask your supporters to refrain from calling the doctors, if they are doing that. As I said, we are not sure if the callers are with a particular group or just unaffiliated We just ask that you confine your calls to the switchboard and express disapproval. Please just don't ask for the doctors.

I wish to thank each and every one of you for your help. Please keep Emilio in your prayers.

I'd like to note that it goes without saying that any calls made to express concern or support ought to be respectful and courteous. Because of the nature of this situation and the strong emotions evoked on the part of individuals involved, it is very easy to impute intentions which simply are not present. Regardless of the family's disagreement with them, doctors treating Emilio are doing what they believe to be in the child's best interest.


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