I received this update from Bill Whatcott regarding his adventures delivering flyers in Calagary:
Dear Friends:
I returned from my guerrilla assault in Calgary. The 2500 flyers exposing pro-abortion Conservative Minister of Indian Affairs, Jim Prentice have been distributed.
To see the flyer exposing Jim Prentice go here:
The mission had a rather rocky start. My Edmonton guerrilla fighter who wanted to join me in Calgary got into a fist fight with a drunken bozo on Edmonton's Whyte Avenue and had to go to court, so he was unable to assist with this mission.
I still had hopes for a Calgary based guerrilla fighter but as things turned out after calling a few local pro-lifers I had no luck. Two never returned my calls and one who said he would like to help got run over by his own car and suffered a broken shoulder. Sigh..........
The good news is a Calgary guerrilla provided me with a base of operations and a place to lay my head. Plus I had my three supernatural helpers, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber."
Psalm 121:1-3
As things turned out I certainly needed the divine assistance. In the first 20 minutes of my guerrilla operation I hit a group of townhouses just west of the Deerfoot and 64 Ave. There I handed a flyer to a forty something year old native lady. She was standing at her door way and started swearing then her dog charged out of her house and headed straight for me. Seeing as it was a small dog I figured the best thing to do was keep walking and ignore it. It would probably just run around me and bark then go away as most of them do. This one turned out to be more zealous. It literally dove into my thigh head first and then started leaping, hitting me with its paws and barking while running around me. I tried walking and ignoring it after it made me stop with its head butt, then it latched onto my pant leg as I hit the next mail box. I must have dragged the dog for about six - ten feet before it let go and started its hysterical barking and jumping again. By now the native lady was swearing at both the dog and I, quite a crowd was showing up and looking at the spectacle. I finally faced the dog and started quickly advancing on it. With a firm voice I said "go" and pointed towards its owner still standing at her door. The dog took off and ran into its house and I was able to get back to my flyer delivery.
After hitting about 250 houses and town houses in the Deerfoot and 64 Ave area I headed to the 17 Ave and 10 St NW Area. To my surprise I found Diane Ablonczy's riding office there. Concerned my riding map of Jim Prentice's area was innacurate I walked in and inquired. I found my map was fine and she simply had no place for her office in her riding. I then offered her staff my flyer with the dead baby picture and informed them Mr. Prentice supports killing unborn children. They declined my flyer and I went on my way hitting 350 houses and apartment units in the area. By now I started getting calls from irate pro-aborts who did not appreciate the murdered baby picture posted next to Mr. Prentice's photo. Upon finishing those homes I went to my supporter's house and had a nice supper and sleep.
The next day, Friday, April 27th, I hit the south east region of Prentice's riding. I hit a nice area of about 500 homes between Edmonton Trail and 6 St NE, south of 16 Avenue. Between fielding calls from pro-aborts , trying to preach the Gospel and sanctity of human life to them, I also had an irate sodo,mite start chasing me. He was an interesting fellow, large (about 260 pounds) with blonde wavy hair, an effiminate voice, wearing shorts and had flower tatoos on his legs. He was enraged I put my flyer in his mailbox and started yelling I would get "a $700.00 fine" if I ever put another flyer in his mailbox again. I decided to agree with him to calm him down and move on.
From the south east I moved to the centre of Prentice's riding. From 32 Ave to 40th Ave, just west of Centre St I hit about 500 homes. A couple middle aged women and younger guys chased me down to hand my flyer back to me which was fine as that meant they saw at least the picture and headline to get my point and then I was able to get the flyer into another mailbox. By now I was hot and sweaty, it must have been over 20 degrees celsius. I had a drink and rest, fielded a few more phone calls and then headed to the Northmount and 19 St NW area of Prentice's riding.
This area was quite hilly and the houses were spaced. I was quite tired and hot as I distributed over 1000 flyers since the morning and it was now late afternoon. To my pleasant surprise a young attractive Oriental lady pulled into one of the more expensive houses in the area. She actually smiled and waited at her door to get one of my flyers. When she saw it her face darkened and I decided against trying to give her any further education and headed down the hill her house was situated on. From her house I hit about a half dozen more houses and then had two women start chasing me. I hit a few more houses and then stopped as they both kept yelling at me to stop and they were gaining on me. They were both yelling and waving my flyer. I explained to them the truth needed to be shown as Prentice their elected representative supports the killing of unborn children. A nice litany of names came forth from their mouths ranging from "retard" to various profanities. I decided to head back to my car and by now a young guy was following me in addition to the women. He didn't say much but he looked cronfrontational as he walked toward me, my flyer in his hand, followed the pack of insane women. I got in my car and took off.
By now I was very tired and headed to my base of operations for a deer stew supper, shower and sleep. On Saturday morning the final 400 or so flyers were distributed in the far south west of Prentice's riding. One woman chased me in her car and yelled I was imposing my opinion on her. I told her she was free to disagree with me, however if she imposes her opinion on her baby, the baby would have no such option. After getting out almost 300 flyers I was then blessed to get into an 18 unit condo complex. I was able to leaflet all 18 units and just as I was putting the last flyer under the 18th door an irate 45 - 50 year old snob from the second floor got hold of me and threw me out the door. As I was getting thrown out he told me if he ever saw me again he would call the police and have me charged with trespassing. As I passed through the doors and onto the street I tried to preach about the poor persishing unborn children to the irate fellow, but to no avail......
Anyways praise God!!!! All of the units were leafletted and the last 100 or so flyers were distributed to homes without incident. By 11:50 AM the operation was completed and I headed back to Edmonton. The good news is much Gospel and sanctity of human life information was distributed. Thousands of Calgarians in Prentice's riding have now seen the face of the murdered unborn child and know Mr. Prentice supports it.
Bill Whatcott
Executive Director of the Social Reformation
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