Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The "sexism" accusation against anti-Belindas

Let me say this once and for all. The criticisms of Belinda Stronach (and they're more than warranted) are not about gender. They are about nepotism, incompetence and a complete void of honourable character.

And let us not forget, that a genuinely intelligent, well-educated, well-spoken and successful woman was unceremoniously dumped by Paul Martin as the Liberal candidate in Newmarket-Aurora in favour of Belinda Stronach.

In my own humble opinion, to shield people like Belinda Stronach in the cloak of gender is an insult to women in itself.

Because if men and women are equal, it naturally follows that they ought be treated (and scrutinized) equally.

Hear hear!

I like the comparisons to George Bush. At least Bush WENT to college, and got an MBA.

H/T: The Langhjelm Letter via KerPlonka.

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