Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thousands baptized into Catholic faith in China

In Beijing alone during the Easter Vigil, the number of adult baptisms numbered in the thousands! In the Church of Our Holy Saviour (Beitang) there were 180; in St Joseph’s (Dongtang) hundreds and in the Church of St Michael, where the Chinese of Korean origins, hundreds more, added to these, baptisms carried out in the underground Church.

The wave of religious rebirth and conversion to Catholicism is so great that the Christian community is having some difficulty in finding godparents to accompany the new catechumens. In the capital it is almost standard that any one godparent will have at least a dozen newly baptized to follow. The situation is analogues in most of China’s large cities: Shanghai, Xian, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xiamen, Shenzhen…


After half a century of martyrdom, the Church in China is more alive than ever: vocations to the priesthood are on the increase, so much so that the average age of priests in many dioceses is 34-35; in many areas female diocesan vocations are also flowering. And even if the in many areas government prohibits the birth of vocations or the gathering together of male religious, many priests are choosing to live together following the monastic rule.


Maybe the future of the Church lies in China. When countries try to suppress the Church, it only fosters growth.

This is a very edifying story.

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