Friday, May 25, 2007

Group Begins Walk Across Canada

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 25 /CNW/ -- For the first time ever, a
group of Canadian youth are walking from the coast to the Capital to promote
the dignity of human life.
Made up of college-age youth from across Canada, the group started their
11 week trek this past weekend in Vancouver and spoke to area churches before,
literally, hitting the road. They are scheduled to make it to Ottawa on August
11th and have planned a "Rally for Life" at the Capital.
"This walk is very counter-cultural," said walk leader Cyril Doll of
Calgary, "but we believe that there is a silent majority of Canadians who
share our views. We aren't walking in protest of abortion as much as we are
out to change hearts and minds on the issue - at the grass roots level"
The organization is affiliated with a group from the United States called
Crossroads which has sponsored pro-life walks across America and Europe since
1995. Crossroads was started in response to the late John Paul II's address to
the 1993 World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado where he challenged the youth of
the world to "go to the highways and byways" and help build a Culture of Life.
This year the U.S. groups started in Seattle, San Francisco, and Los
Angeles on the same weekend as the Vancouver walk and are scheduled to end on
August 11th as well with a rally in Washington, D.C.

For further information: Cyril Doll, +1-403-837-2262, or Web Site:

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