Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Planned Parenthood being sued by incest victim

Planned Parenthood is being sued by an incest victim for failing to report her father who impregnated her.

LEBANON – Cincinnati’s Planned Parenthood, which is still waging a court battle over withholding minors’ abortion records in Hamilton County, now faces a lawsuit alleging the agency failed to report the sexual abuse of a Warren County teen whose father impregnated her and forced her to get an abortion.

In a civil suit filed today in Warren County Common Pleas Court, the teen, formerly of Mason, says she disclosed the sexual abuse to a Planned Parenthood employee when she and her father went to the agency’s Mount Auburn clinic to abort her pregnancy in November 2004.

But no police report was filed – and as a result, the abuse continued for another year and a half, the suit says.


According to the teen’s lawsuit, Planned Parenthood employees did not tell police that the girl alleged the pregnancy resulted from rape because of a “don’t ask/don’t tell” policy relating to sex abuse.

The suit says that policy is contrary to Ohio law, which makes medical providers, teachers and other professionals “mandated reporters” who must report even suspected child abuse to authorities

I tell you, abortion is a shady business. They keep trying to cast aspersion on pro-lifers for saying that Planned Parenthood protects child predators, because they know they're guilty. Normally, people of some means will sue when an opponent makes a slanderous statement about them. They know that if they go to court, all kinds of records will be opened, and they will be exposed for who they are.


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