Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tony Blair about to turn Catholic

Tony Blair is preparing to convert to Roman Catholicism after he steps down as Prime Minister, according to a leading cleric.

His long- awaited formal switch to the faith of his wife and family will come shortly after he surrenders office, it is claimed.


Some lawyers believe the 1829 Emancipation Act, which gave Roman Catholics full civil rights, may still prevent a Catholic from becoming Prime Minister.

Clauses in the Act state that no Catholic adviser to the monarch can hold civil or military office.

Despite his apparent commitment to the faith, Mr Blair has also frequently clashed with Roman Catholic leaders, particularly over his liberal policies on gay rights and abortion.


Someone will have to set Tony Blair straight that when you are Catholic, you support the rights of unborn children and traditional marriage. It's understandable that there is confusion, the way that clergy don't preach the faith these days.

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