Thursday, May 10, 2007

UK: 3% of abortions for anomalies end in birth

Received by email through LifeZine(UK):

3.2% of Babies Born Alive after Abortion

A paper published in the May issue of “BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology”, following a 10-year analysis of abortions for foetal anomaly in the West Midlands area of the UK, reveals that 102 (3.2%) babies out of 3,189 were born alive after abortion. Live births occurred in 18 out of 20 maternity units in the West Midlands. “Yet again we are confronted with the gruesome reality that babies are fighting for their lives as doctors try to abort them”, said Julia Millington of the Alive and Kicking Campaign. “The increasingly widespread practice of abortion for disability reflects very poorly on a society that prides itself on equal rights for people with disabilities. But this paper also begs the question, she argued, that if 102 out of 3,189 babies aborted for reasons of impairment are born alive, then how many healthy babies must be surviving? She continued, “The survival instinct of these premature babies is very strong but without proper neonatal care they stand no chance at all. With live births after abortion occurring in 18 of the 20 maternity units in the West Midlands alone it is difficult to comprehend the number of babies, throughout the country, left fighting for their lives.” Julia Millington Alive and Kicking Campaign. The Daily Mail.

Many of these abortions are late-term. What kind of medical operation has "remaining alive" as a "complication"?

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