Friday, June 08, 2007

Liberal newspaper bias on the abortion debate

From NewsBusters:

A tipster reports that the New York Daily News has a style guide on its internal computer system with a very typical liberal-media template for its reporters on how to handle abortion labeling:

Guidelines regarding stories and headlines on abortion:
1. Call those who oppose abortions abortion foes or abortion opponents or (in tight-count heads) abort foes. Avoid the phrases pro-life or pro-lifers, except in direct quotations.
2. Those who favor a woman's right to an abortion are abortion rights activists or pro-abortion rights or pro-choice. Avoid pro-abortion.
3. Also avoid the phrase "when the life of the mother is at stake." Make it "... life of the woman ..." Don't call the fetus an unborn child, and don't refer to the unborn in headlines.
4. You can use abortion clinic or abort clinic in tight-count headlines.
5. Columnists have free rein in choosing their own terms to describe the issue.

So let's people get called "pro-choice", which is how they refer to themselves...but pro-lifers don't get called "pro-life", which is how they refer to themselves.

No bias whatsoever.

I wish we'd be the fetal rights movement (or unborn rights movement).

Don't call a fetus an unborn child? But that's what people call him!

Ridiculous Orwellian control of the language.

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