Saturday, July 28, 2007

America's oldest weekly endorses FCP

Posted: 07/ 28/ 07 4:45 pm Post subject: Oldest American Catholic weekly endorses FCP


Family Coalition Party — The Only Catholic Option

( Special to The Wanderer)

“ We cannot, may not surrender to evil; let us respond to evil with good” — Pope Benedict XVI.

Canada has become the prover­bial canary in the coal mine of America’s culture war. Draconian “ hate speech” laws and homosex­ual “ marriage” are just two exam­ples of what America’s social en­gineers would like to import from our neighbors to the north.

Ontario, home to one-third of Canada’s population, will be head­ed to the polls this October 10. Voters will elect a new govern­ment to the provincial legislature, and perhaps a new premier of the province. The provincial premier is a position roughly equivalent to state governor. In sifting the pos­sible candidates, a Catholic is con­fronted by both good news and bad.

The Bad

Let’s start with the bad. Of On­tario’s three major parties and their leaders, none are acceptable from a pro- life perspective. All three major party leaders, and their par­ties, embrace the culture of death. Howard Hampton is the leader of the socialist New Democrat Party ( NDP). He is an outspoken propo­nent of abortion and the homosex­ual agenda.

The same is true of current pre­mier and Ontario Liberal Party leader Dalton McGuinty Jr. This is unfortunate because McGuinty grew up as one of ten children in a traditional Catholic home. His father, Dalton McGuinty Sr., was also a member of the Ontario leg­islature. The senior McGuinty spent his days in government as an outspoken proponent of the culture of life.

Yet the biggest disappointment is Ontario Progressive Conserva­tive Party ( PC) leader John Tory. He is the consummate Bay Street Boy, a scion of upper- class Prot­estant elitism, or what we south of Canada’s border call a Country Club Republican. Not only has Tory silenced orthodox Catholics and other social conservatives within the party, but has shown more enthusiasm than either McGuinty or Hampton in promot­ing the homosexual agenda.

In June, he enthusiastically served as “ Distinguished Patron” to a homosexual youth film festi­val featuring, in the words of one local homosexual magazine pro­moting the event, “ the cream of the crop of smoking- hot hardcore porn for dykes and genderqueers of all stripes.” As Tory told The Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newspaper, “[ The organizers are] creative and they’re people who are making a contribution to what is a very important industry in [Toronto]. They’re a key part of the ‘ creative city’ that is so important to the economy.” With conserva­tives like Tory . . . you get the pic­ture.

The Good

The good news, as pointed out by Fr. Alphonse de Valk, is that a fourth party is on the rise called the Family Coalition Party ( FCP). Fr. de Valk is an old Basilian who has spent the past 30 years at the forefront of Canada’s culture war. He is the founding editor of both
The Interim, Canada’s largest pro­life newspaper, and Catholic In­sight, a magazine that has been outspoken in promoting the Church’s moral teaching.

Catholic Insight is the venue Father chose to endorse the FCP. In the July/ August 2007 issue, Fa­ther penned an editorial titled “ Ontario Needs the Family Coali­tion Party.”

“ The time is urgent,” Fr. de Valk writes. “ Canada, like Euro­pean countries, is spiraling down to a demographic and moral col­lapse.”
“ Following these convictions, and examining the political situ­ation in Ontario for the upcoming October 10 election, Catholic In­sight
sees no choice but to aban­don the policy of supporting wor­thy candidates in all parties. In­stead, we will support only the candidates of the small, centrist, pro- people Family Coalition Par­ty. The situation is so bad that it would be inexcusable for us to do otherwise.”

Father then lists how Ontario’s major political parties and their leaders have undermined the culture of life in recent years. The FCP, on the other hand, stands for life from conception to natural death, marriage as an in­stitution exclusive to one man and one woman, lower taxes for families, a greater role for faith and family values within society, and respect for the family farm and the province’s rural resi­dents.

In light of these political op­tions, The Wanderer can only join Catholic Insight in urging our Ontario readers and other “ Ontarians of goodwill to rally behind the Family Coalition Par­ty, at once a movement for change and a political party. It needs members, supporters, vol­unteers, and, above all, candi­dates willing to bring the mes­sage of life into the election, not the politically correct program of a dying society.”

(The above was written by a Wanderer associate who is a keen observer of the Canadian scene.)

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