Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ohio boy arrested for killing fetus

Alfonso Price, aged 15, was arrested for kicking and beating his 18-year-old girlfriend, Kerria Anderson, who was eight months pregnant.

The fetus had a fractured skull, according to a county coroner's report.

Anderson's grandmother, Betty Payne, said Price was the father of Anderson's unborn child.

"He wanted her to get an abortion because they were not together," Payne, 58, said. "He didn't want his baby raised by another man."

And so he killed his own child. Nice.

At least the legal system in Ohio will recognize the death of this baby and prosecute Price. In Canada, it would simply counted as an assault. The baby's death is a "contributing factor", not a homicide in itself. But thanks to the feminist sacrosanct right to abortion, the murder of an unborn child-- a member of the family-- is not even acknowledged, let alone prosecuted.

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