Monday, November 19, 2007

Disagreeing makes you a racist

National Post columnist Jonathan Kay went to an anti-racism conference, which trotted out the usual leftist (so-called) anti-racist rhetoric. He not only attended a lecture called Jonathan Kay is a Racist, he really let the leftist audience have it.

Read the whole thing. It's worth it. But here's the part I liked best:

I told the crowd that conferences like these were actually hurting minority communities by giving them a one-size-fits-all excuse to avoid confronting their problems. Talk about gang culture, AWOL fathers, teen motherhood and shocking crime statistics in black communities, and “diversity consultants” accuse you of racism. Connect the dots between Canada’s radicalized mosques and the terror threat, and you get accused of Islamophobia. Write about the economic dysfunction and social pathologies that fester on native reserves, and Donald Worme accuses you of penning a new Mein Kampf.

By this point, a few audience members were audibly sneering at the angry right-wing freak who, for reasons known only to himself, was ruining this otherwise respectable festival of white guilt. But not everyone forgot their manners. During the Q&A, the moderator – a Globe and Mail journalist, no less – was gracious enough to give me ample time for rebuttal, even when the conference organizer herself broke protocol (by her own admission) by rising from her chair to denounce my views. There were a few other predictable barbs. (One school-board official, for instance, got up to tell me that I had no right to comment on issues affecting black people because I wasn't black.) But generally, the discourse was civil. Which is to say that no one else compared me to Hitler.

H/T Adam Daifallah.