Friday, December 14, 2007

US Action Item: Help stop the Denver abortuary

Copied and pasted from causa nostrae laetitiae .

I've just received a special request from Will Duffy, who's leadingthe fight against Planned Parenthood in Denver, CO. The pro-lifefolks there need our help TODAY.
Planned Parenthood is building an abortion facility TWICE the sizeof the one they opened in Aurora, IL. Will Duffy is trying to convincethe general contractor, Weitz Construction, to quit.Will is asking pro-lifers ACROSS THE COUNTRY to call the top brassat Weitz Construction TODAY and ask them to STOP working forPlanned Parenthood.
* * * Ten Phone Calls for LIFE * *

*Please call each of the ten Weitz executives below TODAY and, respectfully but emphatically, urge them to pull out of the PlannedParenthood abortion center project in Denver.

1. 303-860-6600 Weitz main line
2. 303-860-6673 Bill Hornaday
3. 303-860-6639 Gary Meggison
4. 303-860-6625 Rich Haas
5. 303-860-6688 Don Gendall
6. 303-860-6676 Colleen Kilkenny
7. 303-860-6675 Donna Jordan
8. 303-860-6626 Doug Flemmer
9. 303-860-6601 Tom Harper
10. 303-860-6654 Shad Cloeter

When you get through, tell them about how bad Planned Parenthood is for women, for youth, for families and above all for the unborn babies they kill more than a quarter of a million of every year. If you're sent to voice mail, leave a message.
But please don'tstop calling until you've gone through the whole list.Will Duffy has already convinced several subcontractors to drop outof this sinister project. Please help him convince the big general contractor to do the same.

The folks in Denver have the chance we NEVER had in Aurora to stop Planned Parenthood long before construction is completed. Let's help them out today!

Yours for Life, -- Eric

P.S. We're holding our monthly protest at Planned Parenthod's "AbortionFortress", tomorrow from 9-10:30 at New York and Oakhurst in Aurora.
Keep us in your prayers, or dress warmly and join us!

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