Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Former abortionist's testimony

Anthony Levantino performed abortions. That is, until his daughtered was killed in a car accident in 1984. Now he is a medical adviser for Priests for Life.

He used to perform D and E's. They are mainly 2nd trimester abortions. They consist of dismembering the baby. In a recent press conference, he said:

I don’t know how long after her death I had to do my first D&E abortion. I remember reaching in and literally ripping out an arm or a leg and looking at it in the clamp and I got sick. When you start an abortion you can’t stop. If you leave anything behind, you [can] bet your patient is going to come back infected, bleeding or worse.

“I soldiered on and I finished that abortion.”


“For the first time in my life I really looked at that pile of goo at the side of the table, and all of a sudden I didn’t see her wonderful right to choose, and I didn’t see the $600 wad of cash that I made in 15 minutes, and I couldn’t think about what a great doctor I was because I took care of her problem. All I could see was somebody’s son or daughter.”

This is a guy who ripped off arms and legs. For a living.

Does that matter to feminists?


It does not matter. They have no feelings towards the unborn.

And when you point that out to them, they satirize that concern for the unborn. They'll write something sarcastic like It's all about teh BABIES!!!.

They act like caring about unborn children is some kind of proof of mental retardation.

They do not hide their lack of concern. They are completely transparent about it.

Suggest that the unborn child has a right to life, and you will be accused of misogyny.

Because "fetuses are not that important". They are not even human beings-- which of course flies in the face of scientific fact. And even if they are-- who cares?

That my friends is feminist supremacy.