Sunday, September 14, 2008

If you needed more evidence that Sarah Palin has energized the conservative base..., an American conservative grassroots organization, has 1 million members.

Recently, 16 000 of its members were asked their opinions on the on-going election. According to the results:

-- 93% of conservatives plan on voting for McCain (up from 67% in May)

-- 92% of conservatives are "more enthusiastic" about McCain due to the Palin announcement

-- 48% of conservatives will volunteer time and/or donate to McCain (up from 24% in May)

-- 62% of conservatives are "more enthusiastic" about 2008 elections than 2004 while just 12% are less enthusiastic (a reversal from May when 20% were more enthusiastic and 61% less)

-- 88% of conservatives think McCain will win, up from (up from 61% in May)

-- 72% of conservatives say they are "better off" or "about the same" than in 2004 (65% in May)