Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Assault at a 40 Days for Life Vigil in Ottawa

Frances W. has since called. She was also down on Bank street and while approaching the vigil and said she heard a lot of shouting. One of the participants told her that a woman came with some food and sat between two ladies who were praying. The lady was mumbling and finally she yelled out, "You've had your protest now I'm going to have mine." Then she started attacking people by swinging at them. This is when Frances came upon the scene, she said the attacker was quite strong and she kept yelling and swinging at those praying.

Read the rest.

Couldn't have been a pro-abortion protester. Pro-aborts are never violent. Only pro-lifers are. Must've been a plant. Yeah. That's the ticket. A plant. Because lefties are oh-so-tolerant and peaceful and never promote aggression in any form. Ever.