Saturday, October 25, 2008

Indian tribe passes resolution banning abortion

The tribal council of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa has passed a law that would ban abortions on their land.


It reads “that absolutely under no circumstances will abortions be performed and allowed within any private or public facility within the boundaries of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation and other lands under the jurisdiction of the tribe.”


The reasons behind the ban are listed in the resolution: “the greater majority of enrolled members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians are Christians,” “the Governing Body faithfully believes that life is sacred and begins at the moment of conception between a man and a woman and life to (sic) protected at all levels affirming natural law and reasoning;” and they say “pro-life is a universal issue of common sense, moral righteousness for the common good of life.”


The resolution is frustrating for some tribal members, who say the law was passed illegally.

In my experience, Aboriginals tend to be pro-life on a personal level, although their belief in the sanctity of life is not usually expressed in the political arena.

If there's a problem with transparency, perhaps they could re-do the vote.
