Saturday, November 15, 2008

UK: Chloe survived being born at 23 weeks

The 1lb 2oz miracle — whose tragic twin Ellie died — came into the world just days older than the youngest-ever surviving premature baby.

Medics held out little hope after mum Michelle gave birth an astonishing four months early — a week BELOW the abortion limit.

Chloe stunned them.

Two months on, she is 2lb 2oz and already off a ventilator.


Abortionists kill babies this young. (See Here and here)

In the womb: this baby would have no rights,and in Canada, no legal recognition.

The fact that a baby lives off of a woman's placenta and inside her womb is an excuse not to give him rights.

Of course it's an excuse, they would say: it's her womb and her placenta.

Right. Like one human being's body is more important than another's.

They're BOTH important, that's why BOTH should be allowed to live.

The logic of abortion is the logic of inequality, the logic of weighing which human being is more important than some other human being.

Progressives thought they were past this. But now. They do it all the time with respect to abortion. The woman "owns" the womb, therefore she is more important.

And affirming the baby is a human being with rights amounts to saying that she is "less important".

As if human dignity were a zero-sum game.