Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I don't need feminism

Feminist Jennifer at Hope for America has her panties in a bunch about my rant against feminism.

First, she warns:

If you get offended easily, feel free to LEAVE and don't bother reading my blog any further.

Gee, she could have taken her own advice in reading my blog, but okay.

What kind of sick twisted bullshit is that to liken women that fight for other women's rights to Nazism???

Because often what feminists fight for are not rights but entitlements and actual supremacy. For instance, the right to kill unborn human beings. Or the right to silence pro-life groups at university campuses. And so on.

She asks:

Is it fascism to want equal rights, equal pay, and equal treatment in our society?

Equal rights? Nothing wrong with that. But we have them. The right to silence people who protest abortion is not an "equal right". The right to kill the unborn is not an "equal right". It's an attempt to assert power over individuals who have rights.

Equal pay? Nothing wrong with that. But men and women get the same pay. Work the same number of years, do the same quality job, and you will get equal pay.

But that's not what they mean. They mean that a woman should get equal pay in spite of having less experience, or that the job of someone with a community college degree should be worth the same as that of a univerity graduate.

It's trying to solve injustices by arrogating what has not been individually earned. It's requiring that society fund its programs, agencies and projects even if it doesn't agree with them because it is done in the name of "social justice" but is no social justice at all. Robbing Middle class taxpayers to fund social engineering is not "justice."

That's totalitarian. It's denying true rights for false ones.

Where she says "Feminists don't speak for me". Nah, we don't. You go right ahead and flash your tits, smile when you get 70 cents to a man's dollar. Go ahead and spit on the VERY foundation that now allows you to sit there and bitch about feminists.

The foundation that allows women to speak is the natural law and natural rights. They have been recognized by societry for about the last 200 years or so. Women have always had the freedom to speak which is what made feminism possible in the first place.. No feminist ever gave me the right to free speech.

You would have been laughed at had you attempted to freely speak your opinions in a public venue like you have been doing.

People mock me all the time. Feminism doesn't prevent ridicule. Feminism has simply made saying some things more acceptable. But it does not prevent ridicule.

Here's a clue: people don't mock women because they're women. They mock them because they disagree. Men are subject to the same standard. If they go against the grain, they get mocked, too. That's part of being equal: you suffer the same consequences.

Just because someone disagrees with your feminism doesn't mean they are attacking you as a woman. It's a tough thing for feminists to understand, because they're so invested in their victimhood and their ideology, they can't separate their selves from their beliefs.

You would have been laughed at had you attempted to freely speak your opinions in a public venue like you have been doing.

Here's a clue: you do not need to be a feminist to assert yourself as a woman and break social taboos. If feminism had never existed, I would be strong enough to do that.

I don't need feminism. I am strong enough and assertive enough to earn respect without some feminist "blazing trails" for me. I am not grateful to feminism. I owe nothing to today's feminists.

Feminists attempt to speak in my name at every turn. They say things like "women want this, women want that" without consulting what women want. Women are not a monolith. Women should not be treated as such. They should not say things like women want the right to abortion because that is not the case. Not all women do, and many women strongly object to feminists co-opting their gender to advance their ideology.

Men don't operate that way. Women shouldn't operate that way, either.

I speak up for myself. I am strong without feminism. I do not need that movement. I want that movement to stop co-opting my gender for their ideological purposes.

So, yeah...spit on those feminists that opened the doors for you to spew your vile hatred.

The feminists of yesteryear opened some doors for women. Like the right to vote. Or the right to open a bank account, keep one's name, etc.

But that's not what today's feminists are about.

They are about asserting the supremacy of feminists. They are about imposing feminism on everyone, and if one disagrees with their ideology, they use their collective power to deem that person a "misogynist", conflating opposition to feminism with hatred of women, which is grossly dishonest. People who oppose feminism do not hate women, as a general rule. But feminists have re-defined "hatred" to their advantage, and have blinded themselves to what truly consists of hatred and disrespect. They have done so in the name of political advancement, and a lot of people are sick and tired of it, and won't be silenced by them.

See. You don't need feminism to assert yourself. I just did. It wasn't feminism that gave me that power. I've always had it, and it is completely independent of these women. It irks them whenever any woman can be strong and progress in society without their help.

I don't need feminist help. I don't want it, and in fact I oppose it. I simply want them to stop co-opting my gender.