Thursday, December 04, 2008

Multiples pregnancy is now a "complication" of IVF

I have to shake my head after reading this abstract.

Multiple pregnancy is increasingly considered a complication of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and ovarian stimulation for natural fertilization. Harms to fetuses, newborn and older children, mothers, families, and healthcare systems are encouraging single embryo transfer.

If multiples are a "complication", what does that say about natural multiples.

Do you get the feeling people will start pressuring moms to abort multiples in the future?

When patients knowingly accept multiple pregnancy risks from IVF or ovarian stimulation, they are unlikely to succeed in litigation against healthcare providers for wrongful pregnancy or wrongful birth.

"Wrongful pregnancy" or "wrongful birth" is an idiotic concept. You pay the guy to get you pregnant!

Birth should not be a liability.

More challenging are impaired children's claims for "wrongful life." These are unlikely to succeed against parents, but courts are ambivalent to claims against healthcare providers.

You didn't kill me, you bastard! Now that I'm alive, I'm going to sue you!!!

How can something you have a right to-- life-- be the basis for a lawsuit?

I suspect the parents bring these lawsuits to court on behalf of their kids. What message does that send? Hey! You didn't kill my precious child, so now we want payback!

No wonder people don't want to go into obstetrics.

Multiple pregnancy treated by fetal reduction is not usually found to offend abortion laws. This poses ethical concerns, however, of "lifeboat ethics," involving how fetal reduction choices are made.

Why should that involve any dilemma? It's not like it's a...human being or anything.

Yeah right.