Thursday, January 29, 2009

CHP: Conservative Budget is "Disappointing"

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 28, 2009) - Christian Heritage Party Leader, Jim Hnatiuk, describes the Conservative Budget as "disappointing".

Hnatiuk, speaking from Halifax, applauds the fact that the Conservatives have heard the message that Canadians expect them to work together with the opposition parties.

Hnatiuk also applauded the use of the 'sunset clause' on programs, "which has been a staple of our CHP policy for 20 years" and approved of Ignatieff's announcement to support the budget, providing the government be held accountable via periodic reports on its implementation.

While an economic stimulus will certainly provide some relief in this economic downturn, it is always questionable whether it will pull Canada out of this current recession.

Deficit spending-anything that increases the National Debt-is stealing from future generations; it is theft! "Our government would have solved the liquidity crisis by creating the needed money, interest free, through the Bank of Canada, instead of borrowing it from the chartered banks. We wouldn't have had to steal the "stimulus" money from our children and their children," Hnatiuk said.

Canada has faced similar challenges before and successfully overcome them without borrowing money. In 1945, with the prospect of two million soldiers returning from overseas, the Liberal government of MacKenzie King was concerned about the economic stability of our nation. Unlike yesterday's budget, King's government made a bold move. He instructed the Bank of Canada to create money to make loans that were virtually interest-free to provinces, municipalities and other local public authorities, for infrastructure projects. This bold move kicked off an unprecedented economic boom.

Hnatiuk said, "The CHP would have used this proven and successful plan... because it works! It doesn't cause a deficit and thus does not increase our national debt.

"We're disappointed but we will continue to promote successful policies in Canada."
