Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Abortion mills: just as crappy as in the Pre-Roe era.

Nebraska Abortionist Ordered to Close Immediately for Operating Illegally

BELLEVUE, NE, March 10, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Bellevue, NE, abortionist LeRoy Carhart was ordered to close his abortion facility yesterday until his building passes inspection and he obtains an occupancy permit. Carhart has been illegally operating in his fire-damaged abortion mill since Saturday.


Larry Donlan, Director of Rescue the Heartland, reported Carhart to the City of Bellevue yesterday morning. It was confirmed to Donlan that Carhart had no current occupancy permit and that he had been ordered to shut down his abortion business until it would be properly inspected.

Carhart's abortion clinic was damaged in an accidental fire in January. He reopened on Saturday, with a generator apparently providing electricity for his surgeries, despite lacking the proper permits.

Donlan described the exterior of the dilapidated building as being surrounded by rusted-out vehicles and other junk, including the generator.

"Connected to the mill by a long extension cord sat a generator that purred away all morning, making one question if they even had electricity. I've often wondered how anyone could patronize such a junk yard posing as a 'health clinic,'" said Donlan.

Legalization was supposed to shut down these backstreet butchers, you know, the guys that supposedly caused the 50 000 annual deaths by abortion.

Oh, and Leroy Carhart, he performs these:

And the feminists support him 100%.