Thursday, May 07, 2009

There's a law against destroying unborn children in the UK...but not in Canada

Father-to-be 'attacked pregnant girlfriend with hammer for life insurance to set up with lover'

Simon Morris, 36, launched the attack on defenceless Nerys Price, 34, then told police that burglars did it, a jury heard.


Both Miss Price and her daughter Freya are well after an emergency Caesarean section following the attack, when she was 38 weeks' pregnant, the court was told.


Morris, who worked for Denbighshire Council and managed bands in his spare time, denies attempted murder and attempted child destruction.

And we know that the UK is the bastion of oppression against women.

The baby actually survived the attack. He wasn't even murdered and they're still prosecuting the crime.

But what do feminists have to say about 38-week-old unborn babies who are attacked? Tough luck, kid! Your pain and suffering are of no account to society.

Just heartless. They won't even support the prosecution of an attack on a 38-week-old fetus. Their sacrosanct right to abortion is more important than any justice for unborn children. Never mind justice for the mothers who lose their children.

That's what I call feminist supremacy.