Tuesday, June 02, 2009

She was 13 oz at birth; she is now 80 days

At birth, Taylor Rideout weighed 12.5 oz (350 grams) and measured 10 inches. The threshold of viability is considered to be 20 weeks or 500 grams. She was born at 26 weeks gestation. She is now 80 days old and weighs 3 pounds.

"I thought, 'there's no chance of this tiny baby surviving,'" said Dr. Toby Yanowitz. "She's amazing. Most babies under a pound don't survive."

Taylor is nicknamed pop can because that's how much she weighed when she was born.

Rideout has some advice for other parents facing similar challenges.

"I would tell them don't give up on their child if they're born small or have a disease or anything. There's a God in this world, and if it's meant to be, it will be," said Rideout.

Taylor is being moved to a transitional unit at the hospital and is expected to go home in a few weeks.

Doctors said the prognosis is good.

Watch the video. It's amazing!

H/T: Jill Stanek