Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Morgentaler Clinic...things that make you go hmmm....

I'm rather bemused and maybe even perplexed at some of the things I'm reading on the website. For instance, at the Ottawa Clinic, the upper abortion limit is at 18 weeks-- I assume this is dated from the Last Menstrual Period. (LMP).

Now Morgentaler said he never performed an abortion past 16 weeks. I wonder why that is. It could be because his particular technique is only appropriate for killing fetuses under 14 weeks. How come he never did abortions past 16 weeks?

And why would they do 18 weeks, but not 19 weeks? I've never heard of that particular limit before.

And regarding methods, here's another little surprising tidbit...

...medical abortions are not available in Morgentaler's clinic.

I find that more than a little intriguing. Medical abortions are available at some places in Canada. You would think that an abortion clinic would be anxious to offer the widest range of choices possible...hmmm....