Monday, September 28, 2009

40 Days for Life Halifax gets pro-active

They go door-to-door to invite people to the vigil:

Saturday afternoon, five vigil participants went door-to-door in the area, letting residents know about the 40 Days vigil and inviting them to pray with us. Most people are a little surprised at such a request, and most are polite (probably thinking that if they are nice, we will leave quickly). And we leave them with a little fact sheet about 40 Days for Life with some facts about abortion that they may not know. This went much better than I anticipated and some of us are willing to do this again. I think we covered around 80 houses on Saturday and we will try to do this a few more times. No one I met had even heard of the vigil or noticed it, so this really is a way to raise community awareness of the prayer vigil and to bring the neglected issue of abortion before the public.

That's what I call "guts".